Govt Job Alert: For M.Pharm CSMCRI

Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 19, 2024 by The Health Master

CSMCRI with much scientific excitement has now achieved technological excellence with several granted patents in the core mandate of the institute and is one among the top performing national R&D laboratories in the country. At the beginning of 2011, the Institute has around 360 staff with 150 S&T staff on its roll and around 250 research fellows and project assistants pursing their doctoral programme.

The Division of Applied Phycology and Biotechnology of CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar  is actively engaged in multidisciplinary research in frontier areas of modern biology and biotechnology such as seaweed biology, seaweed bio-prospection, stress genomics & proteomics, transgenic, plant-microbe interactions, metagenomics, marine biotechnology, adaptation biology, etc. We are looking for young, talented & motivated persons for a NFDB Sponsored Project “Mass seedling production of Kappaphycus alvarezii through tissue culture technique and supply of tissue cultured seedlings to the farmers of Tamil Nadu coast (Post S. No. 1)” and LSRB-DRDO sponsored project “Metabolomics, antioxidant, scavenging and cytotoxicity study of tropical seaweeds for their food and nutraceutical potential (Post S. No. 2)”

Post S.No: 1
Level of post (No. of post) & age: Project Assistant level II  Upper age limit 30 years as on interview date
Essential Qualifications: M.Sc. Botany / Life Sciences /Biotechnology / Cell & Molecular Biology / Marine Sciences with 55% marks
Preferred experience: Seaweeds and Plant Tissue Culture

Post S.No: 2
Level of post (No. of post) & age: Project Assistant level II  Upper age limit 30 years as on interview date
Essential Qualifications: M.Sc. Botany / Life Sciences / Biotechnology / Biochemistry / M.Pharma with 55% marks
Preferred experience: Biochemistry, Seaweed and Cell culture

Emoluments @ pm: Rs. 25,000/-@ pm Consolidated

Date (day), venue and time for Interview: 27th December 2019 (Friday), Conference Room (10.30 AM – 1.00 PM)

* Relaxation in age as per CSIR norms.

Candidates should bring a copy of the application, one passport size photo and one set of all certificates along with originals at the time of written exam / walk-in-Interview.  The Walk-in-Interview will be held on 27th December 2019 (Friday, at 10.30 AM – 1.00 PM) at CSIR-Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Bhavnagar, Gujarat.

The selected / suitable candidate will have the possibility of Ph.D. enrollment in the prestigious AcSIR of CSIR.

Specific queries if any, may be addressed to

The posts are purely temporary for duration of sponsored project/scheme only. It would, therefore, not confer any right/claim implicit or explicit for any candidates for claiming extension or absorption in CSMCRI/CSIR.

No traveling or any other allowances will be paid for attending the interview.