Recruitment for Drugs Inspector

Recruitment for Drugs Inspector in Sikkim Government. Applications are invited from the eligible local candidates for filling up posts of Drug Inspector

FDA DCO Officers Regulators People
Picture: Pixabay

Recruitment for Drugs Inspector in Sikkim Government. Applications are invited from the eligible local candidates for filling up posts of Drug Inspector in the Sikkim State Subordinate Paramedical Service on temporary regular basis in the Level -11 of the Pay Matrix under Health and Family Welfare Department through Direct Recruitment.

Sikkim became an integral part of the Indian Union in May, 1975. The Constitutional Provision under Article 315 to have a Public Service Commission for the State was fulfilled by constituting a State Public Service Commission in the year 1978.

The Public Commission has actually started functioning from 1982 with the appointment of the Chairman and deputation of the staff from the State Government. 

Thereafter the Commission started to function in different rented buildings. At present the State Public Service Commission is located Old Tourism Building, M. G Marg, Gangtok.

Also read: AIDCOC Intervention: Sikkim cancels Ad. for drug inspectors

Post : Drug Inspector

No of posts
Unreserved – 01
Bhutia Lepcha – 01

Minimum Educational Qualification for Recruitment for Drugs Inspector

Degree in Pharmacy from a recognized University.

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Age Limit

The Candidates should not be below the age of 18 years and over the age of 40 years as on 30.11.2019 in terms of Notification No. M(3)/(55)/GEN/DOP/Pt.In DT.

Other Qualifications

(a) Should have knowledge of any of the State Languages

(b) Should be conversant with the customs and usages of Sikkim.

1. SCHEME OF EXAMINATION: Candidates are advised to refer to APPENDIX – I for Detailed Scheme and pattern for the Written Examinations.

The syllabus may be downloaded from the Sikkim Public Service Commission website.

2. Candidate should go through the advertisement and read the instructions provided on the web page carefully before applying online.

Applications received through any other mode shall not be accepted and summarily rejected.

3. The candidates are advised to apply online from our website on or before 19/01/2020 upto 12 midnight.

Application submitted after 19/01/2020 will not be accepted by the software and SPSC will not be responsible for the same.

4. Rejection list of candidates who do not qualify for the post as per the advertised criteria will be uploaded in the SPSC website on 24/01/2020 and if any of the rejected candidates have reservation on rejection of application, they should submit their grievances along with justification to the office of the Controller, SPSC w.e.f. 27/01/2020 to 03/02/2020

5. Application fee amounting to Rs 150/ – only may be paid online through credit/debit card, Net Banking by Visa/Mastercard.

The amount once deposited shall not be refunded or adjusted against any other purpose.

6. e-Admit Cards can be downloaded and printed by the eligible candidates after a Notice for the same will be published by the Commission in the official website of the Commission.

7. Candidates are directed to bring a Photo Identity proof like (Aadhaar Card, Voters Card, and Driving License) along with valid e-Admit cards in the examination centre for proof of identity.

8. Those candidates who qualify in the written examination will be called for the scrutiny of documents before the conduct of viva-voce/interview in the ratio as fixed by the Commission.

Short listed candidates are required to submit attested Photocopies of all relevant documents on the dates specified by the Commission.

9. No TA/DA is admissible for attending the examination/Interview.

10. Admission at all the stages of examination for which candidates are admitted by the Commission viz.

Written Examination and Interview Test will be purely provisional and is subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions.

If, on verification at any stage of the examination process, it is found that candidates do not fulfil any of the eligibility conditions, their candidature for the post will be cancelled by the Commission without notice.

11. The Commission will entertain application on review or RTI/Correspondence only after the entire process of recruitment is complete.

12. Any further instructions/Corrigendum/Addendum would be uploaded only on Sikkim Public Service Commission website.

Also read: HM hands over appointment letters to 11 DCOs

REQUIRED DOCUMENTS for Recruitment for Drugs Inspector

(a) In accordance with Notification No: 44/GEN/DOP dt: 27.10.2015 candidates who are in the final/ semester of the prescribed course shall be accepted provided such candidates have cleared all the previous semesters at the time of submission of applications and subject to submission of the final year results on or before the date specified by the Sikkim Public Service Commission before the interview. Non-submission of the proof of essential educational qualification by prescribed date shall make the application of such candidates liable to be rejected without assigning any reason thereof.

(b) Candidate must be in possession of either Sikkim Subject Certificate or Certificate of Identification issued by the competent authority under relevant orders of the State Government.

(c) Category Certificate issued by the competent authority of the Government of Sikkim.

(d) Should have Valid Local Employment Card issued by the appropriate authority of the Government of Sikkim.

(e) No Objection Certificate from the Head of Department in case of employed candidate.

(f) Marital Status (for female candidate). In case of married women candidate, COI/SSC of Husband should be enclosed.

Last Date : 19/01/2020 upto 12 midnight.