BIMSTEC member countries conference held for Combating Drug Trafficking

BIMSTEC member countries conference held for Combating Drug Trafficking

Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 19, 2024 by The Health Master

BIMSTEC member countries conference held at Vigyan Bhawan on 13th and 14th February 2020 for Combating Drug Trafficking.

Narcotic Control Bureau (NCB) under MoHA organised this two days conference on various aspects related to trafficking and abuse of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, told, NK Ahooja, State Drugs Controller, FDA Haryana, who attended the said conference.

NK Ahooja
NK Ahooja, SDC FDA Haryana

Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation BIMSTEC which includes India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand

Home Minister Amit Shah inaugurated this conference and urged to increase co-operation co-ordinations and work in harmony to curb the menance of Drug Abuse and Trafficking.

Also read: Centre to start ‘drug-free’ campaign

After inaugural session this conference discussed following burning issues:

1. Overall Drug Trafficking and abuse scenario in the countries of the region.

2. Maritime Trafficking of Drugs in this region 

3. Production and Trafficking of Methamphetamine 

4. Drug Trafficking and Darknet Social Media Analysis and impact

5. Trafficking of Pharmaceutical Drugs containing Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances 

6. Demand Reduction and related measures.

“This conference was a great success in terms of interaction among member countries Indian States and officials of various department including NCB Police , FDA , Excise GST Health Social Justice etc” told NK Ahooja, State Drugs Controller, Haryana