B.Pharm Job as Pharmacist (482 posts) under Health Dept.

B.Pharm Job as Pharmacist (482 posts) under Health Dept. - Last Date : 31st August, 2020

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 18, 2024 by The Health Master

Baba Farid University of Health Sciences was established under an Act passed by the Legislature of the State of Punjab in July, 1998. The mission of the University is to create an intellectual, academic and physical environment, conducive to free flow of ideas and exchange of information between various faculties of the University and between this University and other Universities of Health Sciences in the country and abroad,thereby opening a window to the world for the health professionals, health planners, health managers, biomedical and social scientists and educators in health sciences of the country.

Post : Pharmacist (Pharmacy Officer)
No. of Posts : 482
1. General – 188
2. Economically weaker
Section (General)-48
3. SC (M&B)-49
4. SC (R&O)-48
5. BC – 48
6. Phyically Handicap – 19
7. Freedom Fighter – 5
8. ESM General -34
9. ESM SC (M&B) – 10
10. ESM SC (R&O) – 9
11. ESM BC – 10
12. Sports General – 9
13. Sports SC (M&B) – 3
14. Sports SC (R&O) – 2

7 CPC : 29200 Level 5

Basic and Professional qualification :
1. Should have passed Senior Secondary Part-II Examination with Science or its equivalent from a recognized University or Institution
2. Should possess a degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy from a recognized University or institution.
3. Should have passed the three months practical training in an Institution approved by the Pharmacy Council of India set up under the Pharmacy Act. 1948; and
4. Should be registered as Pharmacist with the Punjab Pharmacy Council set up under the Pharmacy Act. 1948

Criteria of recruitment:-
1. Written examination (By Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot) :  90 marks
2. Experience (1 year= 1 mark) (Marks of Experience will be given to those candidates who are working in the Department of Health on Regular, Contract or Outsource basis in any programme) : 10 marks

1. Age limit: Between 18 and 37 years as on 1st Jan., 2020.
2. Relaxation in upper age for various categories is as below:
i. SC/ BC, candidates is 5 years
ii. Physically Handicapped is 10 years
iii. candidates for Ex-Servicemen Category, the age relaxation will be as follows: “For recruitment to any vacancy in the State Civil Services whether reserved or not under these rules an Ex-Servicemen shall be allowed to deduct the period of his/her service in the Armed Forces of the Union from his/her actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for direct appointment to such vacancy in the concerned Service rules, by more than 3 years, he/she shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit”

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iv. Upper age limit may be relaxed up to 45 years for Punjab Govt. and its Board/ Corporation/ Commission and Authorities employees, all States/ Central Government employees.
v. Upper age will be relaxed upto the age of 45 years for the candidates who are working in the department of Health and Family Welfare Punjab in various wings/ programmes/ institutions on Contractual basis/ Outsource basis as per Rule 5(1) proviso 2 of Punjab Civil Services (General and Common Conditions) Service Rules 1994 but there will be no relaxation in academic qualification. vi. Upper age limit is also relaxable up to 42 years for Widows, Divorcees and certain other Categories of Women.

Terms and Conditions:
1. These posts will be given pay scales as per central pattern. Salary and emoluments will be paid as per Government of Punjab (Department of Personnel) letter No. 7/204/2012-4FP1/66, dated 15-01-2015 and amendments done in this letter from time to time.
2. a) Knowledge of Punjabi:- No person shall be appointed to any post in any service by direct appointment unless he has passed Matriculation examination with Punjabi as one of the compulsory or elective subject or any other equivalent examination in Punjabi language, which may be specified by the Government from time to time.
b) Provided further that where educational qualifications for a post in any service are lower than the Matriculation standard, then the person so appointed shall have to pass an examination of Punjabi Language equivalent to Middle standard.

c) Provided further where a War Hero, who has been discharged from defence service or paramilitary forces on account of disability suffered by him or his widow or dependent member of his family, is appointed under the instructions issued in this behalf by the Government, the person so appointed will not be required to possess aforesaid knowledge of Punjabi Language.
d) Provided further that where a ward of defence service personal, who is bonafide resident of Punjab State, is appointed by direct appointment, he/she shall have to pass an examination of Punjabi Language equivalent to Matriculation standard or he shall have to qualify a test conducted by the Language Wing of the department of Education of Punjab Government with in a period of two years from the date of his appointment.

3. Reservation will be as per applicable rules and Punjab Government Policy Guidelines. Number of posts given in the advertisement for reserved category is provisional.
4. The SC/ BC category certificate should be in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Welfare Punjab and the certificate for the Ex-Serviceman, Freedom Fighters, Economically Weaker Section and Sports persons categories should be in accordance with the instructions of the concerned Department.

5. Candidates should select their categories carefully, because candidates belonging to categories other than General Category are entitled to fee concession/ exemption, age relaxation and job reservation. The Category once selected/filled will not be changed under any circumstances. Candidates shall submit certificates issued by the Competent Authority in support of their claim to a particular category.

6. Ex-serviceman/ Lineal Descendent of Ex-serviceman (LDESM/ Grand children of Gallantry Award Winners who have domicile of Punjab are eligible for reservation under the Ex-serviceman category. LDESM/ Grand children of Gallantry Award Winners shall be considered against the vacancies for Exserviceman Only if no Ex-servicemen are available. In case sufficient numbers of Ex-servicemen are available, then LDESM shall be treated as General Category candidates.

7. Sportspersons seeking reservation under Sports quota should have Sports Gradation Certificate issued by Director Sports, Punjab as per the latest instructions to claim benefit under this category. The relevant certificate should be there with the candidate as on the last date of the submission of the online application. No extra time will be given to candidates in this respect.
8. The qualification of candidates should be prior to the last date of filling the applications.
9. No TA/DA will be paid for the journeys performed for the written test/ counselling etc. 10. The candidate applying for more than one post shall have to apply separately, along with necessary fees.

11. Candidates are requested to mention their sub category viz-a-viz Caste in online application form.
12. Department has not any mechanism to check the certificates of candidates who are applying online. If, at any stage certificate of the candidate is found fictitious / bogus or ineligible, the candidature of the candidate will be cancelled and action will be taken according to law.
13. Mere qualifying the written examination would not make the candidates eligible for appointment until and unless they produce Police Verification certificate, clearance of criminal charges if any pending against him/her in the court of law and other Police actions to the satisfaction of department.

14. Only those Government employees shall be eligible to issue appointment letters who are certified by the Head of the Department as not having any pending disciplinary proceedings or undergoing punishment under Punjab Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 1970, or any other material disqualification in terms of integrity and professional misconduct and necessary NOC should be obtained from the Head of the Department.
15 NATIONALITY: A candidate shall be a
i. Citizen of India; or
ii. Citizen of Nepal; or
iii. Subject of Bhutan; or
iv. Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settlement in India; or

v. A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka and East African countries of Kenya, Uganda and United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar) Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intension of permanently setting in India; Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of Punjab in the Department of Home Affairs and Justice.
16. The certificates/diplomas/ degrees issued by non-recognized institutions will not be considered and the candidature of candidates will be declared ineligible.

17. Candidates, who will score minimum 33% marks in the written test, will only be declared as eligible and the candidates who will score less than 33% marks in the written test will be declared as ineligible.
18. Merely appearing in the written test will not entitle the candidates for the right to selection unless they fulfil the prescribed eligibility criteria and other terms and conditions of the advertisement. Selection will be on the inter-semerit of the written test and marks of experience subject to the reservation prescribed by the Government.
19. In case qualified candidates obtain equal marks in the written examination, then preference will be given to the candidate who is older in age.
20. No extra weightage shall be admissible to the candidates possessing higher qualification.

Last Date : 31st August, 2020


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