Govt Job: Walk in interview for Pharmacists at VVCMC

Apply from 01/06/2021 to 15/06/2021 from 11 am to 1 pm

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 19, 2024 by The Health Master

In order to prevent the spread of C-19 virus (C-19), Pharmacist at Vasai Virar Municipal Corporations C-19 Care Center, Quarantine Center, Dedicated C-19 Health Center and Dedicated C-19 Hospitals have been appointed.

Post : Pharmacist

No of Posts : 50
Qualification : Passed Examinations (Science) in Higher Secondary Schools and Diploma in Pharmacy D.Pharm.  / B.Pharm.  Registration with the Pharmacy Council of India is required.
Salary : Rs 20,800/-
Age Limit : 65 Years

Terms and Conditions:
1. The period for the above posts is 6 months or till the end of C-19 outbreak, whichever happens earlier.
2. There is no age requirement for medical officer class.  The age limit for the remaining posts is up to 45 years. 

How to get service on contract basis : Applications will be accepted after checking the original documents.  After scrutiny of the documents, the candidates who have academic qualifications and experience will be selected through direct interview.  Candidates for these posts will be hired as per requirements after direct interviews.

Other terms and conditions
1.  The appointment period for the above posts will be 6 months or till the end of C-19 outbreak, whichever happens earlier.  However, if the service is still required, the candidate’s services, behavior, etc.  The decision to extend the term after checking the matter has been reserved by Hon’ble Commissioner Vasai Virar City Corporation.  
2.  After scrutiny, the final decision to select the right candidates will rest with the Commissioner, Vasai Virar City Corporation.  

3.  Right to increase or decrease the above post Hon.  The Commissioner will remain.  
4.  As the appointment is temporary, the selection of candidates will be done according to the local conditions and needs.  No inquiries should be made over the phone.  
5.  If the candidate resides in Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation area, he will be given first preference. 

6.  The officer / staff to be selected on contract basis is required to fill up the contract in the prescribed format.  
7.  These candidates will not be able to claim to remain in the municipal service.  Also they will not be allowed permanent employee benefits.  As the appointment is on contract basis, no claim can be filed in any court.

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8.  Preference will be given to those with work experience in the hospital.  
9.  Candidate has to provide his service within 3 days after selection.  However, if the candidate does not appear, the next candidate in the waiting list will be served, the concerned should note.  

10.  During the recruitment process, all rights are vested in the Hon’ble Commissioner, Vasai Virar City Corporation and the authority to suspend recruitment at any stage is reserved by the Hon’ble Commissioner, Vasai Virar City Corporation.

How to apply :
Vasai Virar Municipal Corporation Medical Health Department, 4th Floor, Ward Committee C, Multipurpose Building, Virar (East) with full details from 01/06/2021 to 15/06/2021 from 11 am to 1 pm  Applications should be submitted by this time (excluding public holidays). Necessary documents should be submitted along with the application.

Application Form & More Info>>

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