Kerala to create an independent Drugs Control Administration for Ayurveda

DDC of Ayurveda in Kerala had recommended a proposal of the Ayurveda drug manufacturers in this regard to the state government

Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on July 16, 2021 by The Health Master

The state government of Kerala is all set to create an independent drugs control administration for Ayurveda in the state by delinking the administrative control from the allopathic drugs control division, it is learnt.  

Earlier, the deputy drugs controller (DDC) of Ayurveda in Kerala had recommended a proposal of the Ayurveda drug manufacturers in this regard to the state government. The recommendation of the Ayurveda DDC has prompted the Ayurveda Medicine Manufacturers Organisation of India (AMMOI), the state association of Ayush drug makers, to further raise their demand for an independent administration and for a state licensing authority (SLA) for Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani systems.

AMMOI has been making this demand ever since the Ayush department was formed in 2015 after decoupling the division from the state health and family welfare department. However, the administration of the Ayurveda drugs control wing is still controlled by the state drugs control department under the health ministry.


Manufacturers are complaining that they are facing several kinds of difficulties with regard to licensing issues for want of a separate administration. Dr D Ramanathan, general secretary of AMMOI met the chief minister and the health minister many a time and apprised them of the difficulties encountered by the manufacturers.

Taking note of the seriousness of the issue, the DDC in-charge of Ayurveda has sent a recommendation to the Ayush secretary to consider the matter seriously. Following this, according to senior office-bearers of the association, state government will soon declare its decision to set up an independent administration for Ayush drugs control systems in the state.

When Pharmabiz sought the feedback of the state drugs controller, PI John, the allopathic DC, said currently they are looking after only the administrative side of the department. But, for the overall development of the Ayush sector, delinking of the administration is better.

“We are only looking after the administrative side, it is better to delink. We don’t know anything about Ayurveda drug manufacturing, let the people of that area look into it. We will give all help,” he said.

The proposal given by AMMOI to the government says that as per the amendment carried out by the central government in the drugs and cosmetics act (D&C Act), there should be an independent licensing and controlling authority for Ayush systems under the ayush department.

There are over 650 Ayurveda manufacturing units working in Kerala at present, but they face problems in availing support from the drugs control department due to lack of sufficient staff and facilities, said Dr. D Ramanathan, general secretary of the AMMOI.

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