Why are heart attacks becoming common in Fit People ?

Before engaging in strenuous exercise, it's a good idea to have your health checked up.

Heart attack Heart disease Heart pain Health
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on November 8, 2021 by The Health Master

Why are heart attacks becoming common in Fit People ?

What do you do when you learn that two well-known people who took their exercise extremely seriously died of a heart attack in their 40s?

The deaths of Sidharth Shukla (40 years old) and superstar Puneeth Rajkumar (46 years old) have made us wonder if exercise is the key to living a long and healthy life.

Doctors caution that exercising without knowing if you have a heart problem, especially moderate to intense exertion, is dangerous.

“Every medicine is a poison if taken at the wrong time and in the wrong dose,” says Dr. Sanjay Mittal, Director Clinical and Preventive Cardiology, Medanta Heart Institute.

Certain exercises can also increase the chance of certain anomalies in healthy people. It has the potential to be lethal at times. As a result, it is critical to have oneself assessed before beginning a rigorous exercise regimen.

Certain types of people are more susceptible to heart attacks while they exercise. If there are abnormalities in heart circulation, it suggests the heart’s arteries are originating from the wrong sinuses; electric disturbances in the heart might cause a person to collapse after exercising.

Before engaging in strenuous exercise, it’s a good idea to have your health checked up. The issue of heart disease not being detected is a major one.

Overexertion and heart health: What to Look Out For

Dr. Mittal discusses certain warning indications that should not be overlooked:

  • If you feel dizzy or light-headed while exercising, you should seek medical attention.
  • If you have hypertension (high blood pressure), you should first regulate your blood pressure before exercising.
  • If you have a family history of young people who have fallen abruptly and without warning, you may be carrying a gene that predisposes you to collapse, therefore get an ECG.
  • If you’re experiencing chest pain or excessive shortness of breath, see a doctor.
  • Drugs that improve performance might cause cardiac abnormalities, collapse, and even heart attack.

Heart disease is no longer a disease of old age

“Earlier, heart attacks were known as an ageing condition, and persons over the age of 60 were mainly prone to it,” says Dr. Rajesh Thachathodiyl, Professor and Head, Department of Adult Cardiology, Amrita Hospitals, Kochi.

However, that dynamic has shifted in recent years, and an increasing number of young people are becoming victims.

It’s also true that, even though you appear to be in good shape and healthy on the surface, diseases can develop inside your body that you are completely unaware of.

We encounter roughly 200 youngsters with cardiac problems in our OPD every month. There are a number of factors that contribute to cardiac arrests or heart attacks in young people, the most common of which is stress, which causes problems such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, insomnia, bad eating habits, and a lack of adherence to a healthy lifestyle.

Most people used to commute to their offices and visit a lot of places before these work-from-home settings, so bodily mobility was active.

After the pandemic, everyone’s active routine was disrupted, and today young people are adapting to this sedentary lifestyle by spending their days in front of computers and later televisions.

In addition, if you have a family history of heart disease, you must be extremely cautious with your lifestyle.

Exercising and eating a healthy diet to a certain extent is beneficial, but going beyond that requires caution; strenuous workouts should only be scheduled after a comprehensive heart assessment.

Instead of being your own master, get frequent health examinations and learn what’s going on inside your body. Then, rather than being your own master, let the specialists give you advice.

It is must to have regular screenings

In some cases, by the time signs of cardiac difficulties occur, the disease has already progressed to an advanced level.

“Exertional chest discomfort or breathlessness signals the likelihood of a cardiac disease,” says Dr. Santosh Kumar Dora, Senior Cardiologist, Asian Heart Institute, Mumbai. “Further testing are needed to determine the cause.”

Periodic screening tests are required to detect abnormalities early on so that effective therapy can be administered before major cardiac damage occurs.

ECG, 2D echocardiography, stress test, and CT scan for coronary calcium are all common screening tests.

Beyond the age of 40 in the general population, or after the age of 30 in the high-risk group, cardiac screening tests are recommended once a year or every two years.”

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