Govt Job: For Ph.D, M.Pharm, M.Sc | Salary upto Rs. 62,640 pm

Last Date of application :06-04-2022

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on March 30, 2022 by The Health Master

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Guwahati is an autonomous institute of National importance and the first national pharma institute in NE India set up by the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India by an act of parliament, to impart high quality Education & Research in the area of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

The Institute intents to fill the following Project positions in various sponsored projects through on-line interview.

Research Associate III (01 position)
Fellowship : Rs 54000/- + 16% HRA 

Name of the Project / Sponsoring Agency : DBT sponsored project titled “Establishment of GMP accredited Pilot Scale extraction facilities for the development of phytopharmaceutical products from the Medicinal Plants of NE India” (GAP-133)

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

Qualifications and Experience : Essential: Ph.D with 1 years of research or teaching experience in Natural Product chemistry/Medicinal chemistry/ Equivalent or having 4 years of research or teaching experience after post-graduation in MS/M.Pharm Natural Product Chemistry/Medicinal chemistry with 5 5% marks with at least one research publication in SCI indexed journals GPAT/GATE/CSIR-NET or any national entrance test exam conducted by any central Govt. department is essential for candidates with master’s degree.

Desirable: Having experience in natural product extraction, isolation, and characterization. Preference will be given to the candidate having industrial experience and knowledge on WHO-GMP guidelines and the development of phytopharmaceuticals.

Max. Age limit : 35 Years

Research Associate I (01 position)
Fellowship : Rs 47000/- + 16% HRA

Name of the Project / Sponsoring Agency : DBT sponsored project titled “Establishment of GMP accredited Pilot Scale extraction facilities for the development of phytopharmaceutical products from the Medicinal Plants of NE India” (GAP-133)

Qualifications and Experience : Ph.D in Pharmacognosy / Equivalent or having 3 years of research or teaching experience after post-graduation in MS / M.Pharm Pharmacognosy with 55% marks with at least one research publication in SCI-indexed journals GPAT/GATE/CSIR-NET or any national entrance test exam conducted by any central Govt. department is essential for candidates with master’s degree. Desirable: Having experience in quality control of botanicals/standardized extracts.

Preference will be given to the candidate having industrial experience and knowledge on WHO-GMP guidelines and the development of herbal products or phytopharmaceuticals.

Max. Age limit : 35 Years

General Instructions
1. Candidates of Indian Nationality can only apply for these posts.

2. Age relaxation is applicable as per Govt. of India rules.

3. Interested candidates are invited to apply using the prescribed format only, available on the website ( from 25.03.2022 to 06.04.2022. It is mandatory to fill the application online and no other form of application will be entertained. Candidates are requested to arrange the softcopies of all the required documents before filling the application.

4. Candidates should read carefully the requisite minimum essential qualifications, age and eligibility, experience criteria etc. laid down in the advertisement before applying for the above post. Since all the applications will be screened on the basis of data submitted by the candidate in the online application form, the candidates must satisfy themselves of the suitability for the position to which they are applying.

If at any stage during the recruitment and selection process, it is found that candidates have furnished false or wrong information, their candidature will be rejected.

5. Application once submitted cannot be altered / resubmitted, under any circumstances. Further, no request with respect to making changes in any data/ particular entered by the candidate in the application will be entertained, once the application is submitted successfully by Email.

6. Incomplete application or those without relevant supporting documents (self-attested copies of Date of birth/Degrees/ Certificates/ Mark sheets/Experience Certificates/documents, etc.) will be rejected.

7. On the recommendation of the Screening/Selection Committee, the competent authority may relax all or any of the requirements related to age and experience in exceptionally meritorious cases.

8. Fulfillment of qualifications and experience is an essential requirement. As stated, the Institute is free to set the benchmark and call only the eligible candidates for the on-line interview. Further, NIPER Guwahati also reserves the right NOT to fill any of the post advertised, in the event or exigency so decided.

9. Intimations will be sent only by E-mail/host on the website as per the details mentioned in the Application form.

10. In case any dispute arises on account of interpretation of clauses in any version of this Advertisement other than English, the English version available on the NIPER-G Website shall prevail.


12. All appointments shall be on contract of one year or less if the project is terminated earlier. The appointments are against the temporary project positions and will not continue in any circumstances beyond the duration of the said project.

Any subsequent contract in the project or another project will be fresh appointment. The appointment in the outside funded project does not give project staff any claim whatsoever for appointment/regularization against any Institute post.

13. Age will be calculated as on the last date of application i.e. 06-04-2022.

14. List of the Shortlisted candidates will be displayed on the Institute website.

15. In-case of online interviews only, the link for the online interviews will sent to the shortlisted candidates individually, a day before the interview.

Last Date of application :06-04-2022

Apply Online

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