Govt Job: For M.Pharm, Ph.D, M.Sc at NIREH – Pay upto Rs.47,000 + HRA

Last date: on or before 23rd April, 2023 by 05.00 P.M

Govt Job
Picture: Piaxabay

Last Updated on October 19, 2024 by The Health Master

National Institute for Research in Environmental Health (NIREH), Bhopal, is one of the permanent institutes of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), a Government of India’s apex autonomous organization for bio-medical research in the country.

Historical Indian Council of Medical Research, an apex national body in biomedical research in India, after the Methyl Isocynate (MIC) gas/toxic gas disaster in the night of 2nd and 3rd December, 1984 in Bhopal set up, a Coordinating Unit in 1985 and initiated several research programmes.

This Coordinating Unit was soon upgraded to Bhopal Gas Disaster Research Centre in 1986 to undertake long term epidemiological studies.

Applications in Prescribed format specifying the ‘post applied for’ are invited for the following posts separately to be sent through email to on or before 23rd April, 2023 by 05.00 P.M.

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

While applying the posts, the candidates must mention the ‘project titled and post applied for’ in the subject line. The interview for the posts will be held through video conferencing for which the specific date and time slot will be intimated through return email.

Project Entitled, “ICMR Task Force study on Epidemiology of Chronic Respiratory Illness in Select Population Groups in India (CRISPI)” [PI: Dr. R.R.Tiwari, Scientist-G & Director, ICMR-NIREH, Bhopal]

Project Research Scientist-I (Scientist- B (Medical)

No of posts : 01 (OBC)
Age Limit : 35 years

Essential Qualification :  MBBS degree with two years Research/ Teaching experience or MD in Microbiology/Pathology/PSM from a recognized University.
Consolidated Salary (Per month) : Rs. 61,000/- + 5250/- (HRA+ NPA) p.m. (Consolidated)

Project Assistant (Technical)

No of posts : 01 (UR)
Age Limit : 30 years

Essential Qualification :  Graduate in Science/ relevant subjects from a recognized university with three years’ work experience from a recognized institution or Master’s degree in relevant subject
Consolidated Salary (Per month) : Rs. 31,000/- p.m. (Consolidated)

Project Assistant (Statistical)

No of posts : 01 (UR)
Age Limit : 30 years

Essential Qualification : Graduate in Science / relevant subjects (statistics) from a recognized university with three years’ work experience from a recognized institution or Master’s degree in relevant subject.

Consolidated Salary (Per month) : Rs. 31,000/- p.m. (Consolidated)

Project Entitled, “Investigations on adsorptive removal of antibiotics from water” (P.I.- Dr. Vishal Diwan, Scientist-E ) duration initially for 12 months (can be extended up to 48 months depending on funds availability and performance of the candidate)

Research Associate – I

No of posts : 01 (UR)
Age Limit : 40 years

Essential Qualification : Ph.D / MD / MS / MDS on equivalent degree or having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development experience after M.S / M.Pharma / ME / M.Tech with at least on research paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) journal.
Desirable Qualifications:

• Preference will be given to candidates having degree in Chemical Engineering/ Inorganic Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry/Environmental Science / Environmental Engineering

• Research experience preferred in the field of adsorption and chromatographic studies and procedures

• Hands-on experience of various material characterization techniques
• Versed in scientific manuscript writing

Consolidated Salary (Per month) : Rs.47,000/-+ HRA as applicable per month .

Project Entitled, “Development of a nano biosensor “HRIDAY” for early detection of cardiovascular disease biomarkers using poly-I-lysin tethered carbon nano dots” (PI: Dr. P. K. Mishra, Scientist-F) duration up to 06 months initially

Scientist-D (Non-Medical)

No of posts : 01 (SC)
Age Limit : 45 years

Essential Qualification : Candidates should possess 1st class Master Degree in relevant subjects from a recognized university with 8 years experience OR 2nd Class M.Sc.+ Ph.D. degree in relevant subjects from a recognized university with 8 years experience OR BDS / B.V.Sc./ AH degree recognized by DCI / VCI with nine years experience in relevant subject after BDS/B.V.Sc. OR B.Tech. in relevant engineering subject with ten years experience in relevant subject after B.Tech. degree.

Desirable Qualifications  : Research experience preferred in the field of molecular biology, nano – Biotechnolony or translational nano-sciences as evidenced by NCBI indexed publications.

Consolidated Salary (Per month) : Rs.54,000/- p.m. (corresponding to PB-3 Rs.15600 +39100+Grade Pay 7600) + 20% HRA (Rs.4640/- p.m.) = Rs.58640/- p.m.

1.Candidates meeting the age criteria and possessing the required qualifications, experience, etc. and willing to work for the above mentioned projects may apply and fill the Application Form in the prescribed format only and send it to the email ID on or before the last date and time of receipt of applications with enclosures as mentioned above. There is no need to send hard-copy of any application form/documents at this stage.

2. Candidate should superscribe “ Application for the post of ……………..” in the subject line while sending their application through e-mail on

3. The list of shortlisted candidates will be displayed on the website of ICMRNIREH and these short-listed candidates will be called for interview/personal discussion through Walk-In-Interview / Video Conferencing Interview.

4. Late and incomplete applications or applications not submitted in the prescribed format or without photo and signature will not be considered.

5. The above position will be filled purely on temporary CONTRACT appointment basis.

6. The rates of emoluments/stipend shown in this advertisement are as per the guidelines and as per the sanction.

7. Age relaxation is admissible in respect of SC/OBC, Physically Handicapped candidates, ICMR project employees and Ex-Servicemen in accordance with the instructions issued by ICMR from time to time.

8. The date for determining the eligibility of age of all candidates in every respect shall be from last of application.

9. Reserved category candidates must produce their Caste Validity Certificate for age relaxation

10. Separate application should be submitted for each post. Engagement of applicant for a particular position will be decided by selection committee/appointing authority.

11. Qualification & experience should be in relevant discipline/field and from an Institution of repute. Experience should have been gained after acquiring the minimum essential qualification.

12. Mere fulfilling the essential/educational qualification does not guarantee the selection.

13. Persons already in regular time scale service under any Government Department / Organizations are not eligible to apply.

14. Submission of wrong or false information during the process of selection shall disqualify the candidature at any stage.

15. The candidate may be permitted to register for Ph.D. as per institutional norms.

16. Contract appointee shall not have any claim on a regular post in this institute or any other ICMR Institute or in any Department of Government of India and their contract service will not confer any right for further assignment or transfer to any other project or appointment/absorption in funding agency or in this institute.

Benefits of Provident Fund, Pension Scheme, Leave Travel Concession, Medical claim, etc. are not admissible. An undertaking to that effect must be submitted at the time of joining.

17. Initial contract appointment will normally be for a period as specified in the appointment letter. Further continuation/ extension of the service will depend on requirement of the Institute, performance evaluation and approval of the competent authority on case to case basis.

18. In the event of selection, a candidate must produce all documents or certificates in original relating to (1) Educational qualifications (2) Date of Birth (3) Experience certificates (4) One recent passport size photograph (5) Identity proof i.e. Aadhar/PAN/Voter ID/Driving License etc. (6) One set of self-attested photocopies of all documents (7) SC/ST/OBC/Disability Certificate, if applicable, for verification at the time of joining the post.

19. Candidates who fail to bring the original certificates at the time of joining and if any discrepancy is found in the documents such candidates will not be allowed to join the selected contract post and the position will be offered to the waiting list candidates.

20. The Appointing authority reserves the right to terminate the service of the contract personnel even during the agreed contract period or extended contract period without assigning any reason. Leave shall be as per the Institutional policy for contract staff and ICMR guidelines in this regard.

21. ICMR-NIREH reserves the right to cancel/modify the recruitment process at any time, during the process, at its discretion.

22. The institute reserves rights to consider or reject any application/candidature. The decision of the Director, ICMR-NIREH will be final and binding.

23. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.

24. Corrigendum/addendum/further information; if any; in respect of this advertisement, will be published on our website ( only.

Applications in Prescribed format specifying the ‘post applied for’ are invited for the following posts separately to be sent through email to on or before 23rd April, 2023 by 05.00 P.M.

Last date: on or before 23rd April, 2023 by 05.00 P.M

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