Govt Job: For Pharmacists under Health Services – Pay upto Rs. 81,100 pm

CLOSING DATE :- 27/08/2023 at 12:00 Midnight.

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on August 13, 2023 by The Health Master

In continuation of the Vacancy Notice No.A-12024/3/2023/Recruitment Cell-DHS- HEALTH_AN /1633 dated 23.05.2023, the Andaman and Nicobar Health Department, Andaman and Nicobar Administration invites ONLINE APPLICATIONS for a further period of 20 (twenty) days with effect from 08.08.2023 at 12.00 PM to 27.08.2023 at 12.00 Midnight from the eligible candidates to fill up the following Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) Non-Ministerial and Group ‘C’ Non Ministerial posts in the Pay Level in Pay Matrix as indicated against each.

The selection will be done by a COMPUTER BASED TEST by the Andaman and Nicobar Health Department, Andaman & Nicobar Administration with the assistance of Recruitment Agency.

Post : Homeo Pharmacist

No of posts : 03 [UR-02, OBC(NCL)-01]
Level in the Pay Matrix : Level- (Rs. 25500-81100)

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

Eligibility Condition :
(i) The applicant must be an Indian National.

(ii) All candidates shall be required to apply ONLINE for the post whether they arc registered with the Employment Exchange or not.

(iii) The Central Government civilian employees/servants and Departmental Candidates of A & N Administration must also apply online within the due date and also upload the NOC or intimation to the respective department about the online submission of applications for the respective post

Age Limit : 18-33 years for male 18-38 years for female
The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of application

Note :
(i) Age is relaxable to candidates as per the order issued by Govt, of India & A & N Administration.

(ii) Candidate should qualify in the Computer Based Test to be conducted by the A & N Health Department through Recruiting Agency for direct Recruitment.

Essential Qualification
Essential :
i) XII Std. (Senior School Certificate Examination) with Science Subjects from a recognised Board/Institution.

ii) Degree / Diploma in Homeopathic Pharmacy or its equivalent with the essential subjects like Homeo Pharmacy, Homeopathic Materis Medics and Organon of Medicine from a recognised institution. OR

Certificate Course in Homeopathic Pharmacy from a recognised Institution with a minimum of 03 to 05 years experience of dispensing Homeo Medicine in a recognised Hospital or Dispensary.

Desirable : Experience in dispensing Homeo Medicine.

Fee Payable : – Candidates (Except Female/ST/Persons with Benchmark Disability Candidates) are required to pay a fee of Rs.25/- (Rupees Twenty five only) by using Net Banking, VISA/Master/Rupay/ Credit/Debit Card, UPl Payment/QR Code to the following Account:

Account No.: 41881546799
Account Name : Principal, Dr. B.R.AMBEDKAR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (Recruitment Exam Fee)
IFSC : SBIN0017178
Bank : State Bank of India

Process of Certification and Format of Certificates
Candidates who wish to be considered against vacancies reserved or age- relaxation must submit valid requisite certificate from the competent authority issued on or before the last date of receipt of online application, in the prescribed format, whenever such certificates arc sought by the Andaman and Nicobar Health Department for documents verification.

Otherwise, their claim for ST/OBC/EWSs/Meritorious Sportsperson/ Ex-Servicemen category will not be entertained and their candidature/applications will be considered under General (UR) category.

Candidates may note that in respect of the above, the candidature will remain provisional till the veracity of the concerned document is verified by the Appointing Authority.

Recruitment Examination
• The Selection will be done on the basis of Computer Based Test.

• The standard of questions for the Computer Based Test will be generally in conformity with the educational standards and / or minimum professional / technical qualifications prescribed For the post.

• The Computer Based Test shall contain three parts with weightage of marks as below:-

i. Professional / technical subject related questions – 80%
ii. General awareness – 10%
iii. General Science – 10%

Questions from the following topics confirming to standards of Diploma in Homeopathic Pharmacy Course

• Elementary Human Anatomy and Physiology
• Introductory Homeopathy, Bio-Chemistry and twelve tissue remedies
• Clinical Pathology and toxicology

• Homeopathic Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry – I
• Health Education and Community Pharmacy
• Homeopathic Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry – II

• Pharmacognosy
• Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence
• Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy
• Drug Store and Business Management

How to apply
a) The ONLINE application shall be submitted at from 08/08/2023 at 12:00 PM to 27/08/2023 at 12:00 Midnight by the eligible candidates.

b) Online application consists of six sections viz.

  • (1) Personal details,
  • (2) Educational Qualification details,
  • (3) Post Details,
  • (4) Experience (if any),
  • (5) Payment details
  • (6) Upload a photograph and Signature.

c) Candidates should select the qualification category based on qualification he/she possesses out of the options available under the essential qualification required for the concerned post.

The mapping of qualification category and qualification with different posts is placed at Annexure-I.

d) The candidate should indicate the preferred post in order if he/she applies for multiple posts.

e) Only those applications that are complete with respect to all six sections above will be treated as complete. However, applications that are submitted
partially, due to reasons such as network issues, cun be resumed and completed at a later point in time through appropriate options in the recruitment portal. All such applications arc to be completed before the last date of the online application.

f) Candidates have to upload good quality Photograph and Signature in jpeg format. If the uploaded photograph is not legible and of poor quality then his/her admission to the examination hall may be prohibited.

1. Photograph should be between 20 KB to 50 KB and the resolution recommended is 200×2.30 (width x height) in jpeg format and

2. Signature should be between 10 KB to 20 KB and the resolution is HO x 60 (width x height) in jpeg format.

3. Other documents such as proof of age, qualifications, category, NOC etc. should be between 100 KB to 500 KB to be uploaded as instructed in the online portal.

g) The candidate should read the instructions for filling out the online application and follow the instructions as directed in the online portal.

h) Before submitting his/her ONLINE application, the candidate should read and follow the instructions for filling the online application and follow the instructions as directed in the online portal.

Candidates should read the eligibility conditions for the examination and satisfy himself/herself that he/she fulfils all eligibility conditions to avoid rejection of her/his candidature, before submitting his/her ONLINE application.

i) The candidates may contact the Recruitment Cell, Directorate of Health Services in person or over phone (03192 235810) during working hours for any clarification from 09.00 am to 05.00 pm in all working days or through

CLOSING DATE :- 27/08/2023 at 12:00 Midnight.

No Physical copy of application shall be entertained

Apply Online

More Info

Must read: How to become a skilled Pharmacist

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