Govt Job: For M.Pharm or M.Sc at IIIM – Pay Rs 49,000 per month

Last Date for Applying Online : 17.01.2022 (Monday) up to 5:00 pm

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on January 13, 2022 by The Health Master

Apply online: CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (CSIR-IIIM), Jammu, one of the constituent units of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR).

CSIR is a premier multi-disciplinary R&D organization in India which is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. CSIR-IIIM, Jammu is engaged in high-quality research and development with a primary focus on drug discovery from natural resources.

Post: Principal Project Associate, Senior Project Associate, Junior Research Fellow

Eligible & interested candidates are invited for ONLINE INTERVIEW through Video Conferencing on MS Teams for the following purely temporary positions of PRINCIPAL PROJECT ASSOCIATE & SENIOR PROJECT ASSOCIATE under the CSIR project ‘CSIR Sickle Cell Anaemia Mission-Phase II (HCP-23)’, JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW under the SERB (DST) project “Strategic S-P Bond Forming Bio-orthogonal Functionalization Technique:

A Systematic Analysis, Standardization and Site-Specific Coupling Strategy for Carrier Drugs Conjugates (GAP-3113)”, and “Evaluation and mechanistic studies of N-glycosylated 3,3’-Diindolylmethane derivatives against Leishmania donovani” (GAP-3114) tenable at CSIR-IIIM, JAMMU.

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

Principal Project Associate – 01 Post
Essential Qualification :
(i) M.Sc. in Organic / Medicinal / Pharmaceutical Chemistry or M. Pharma/M.S. Pharm from a recognized University or equivalent. and
(ii) 8 years’ experience in R&D in Industrial or Academic Institutions or Science & Technology Organizations and/or Scientific activities and services. OR Doctorate degree in above subject area from a recognized University or equivalent. and Four years research experience.

Desirable : Experience in Nutraceutical Product Development
Monthly Emoluments (Rs.) : 49,000/- + HRA
Upper Age Limit : 40 yrs

Senior Project Associate – 01 Post
Essential Qualification :
(i) M.Sc. in Chemical Sciences from a recognized University or equivalent. and
(ii) 4 years experience in Research & Development in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science & Technology Organizations and Scientific activities and services. OR Doctorate degree in above subject area from a recognized University or equivalent.
Desirable : Experience in total Synthesis or natural product isolation or Medicinal Chemistry research.

Monthly Emoluments (Rs.) : 42,000/- + HRA
Upper Age Limit : 40 yrs

Junior Research Fellow – 01 Post
Essential Qualification :
M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry from a recognized University or equivalent.
Desirable : Preferably NET qualified

Monthly Emoluments (Rs.) : 31,000/- + HRA to Scholars who are selected through (a) National Eligibility Tests-CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions.
Upper Age Limit : 35 yrs

Junior Research Fellow – 01 Post
Essential Qualification :
M.Sc./B. Tech. in Biotechnology / Biochemistry / Molecular Biology or any other branch of Life sciences from a recognized University or equivalent.
Desirable : Research experience in Molecular Biology techniques, Cell Culture, Cell Viability assays, Western Blotting, ELISA.

Monthly Emoluments (Rs.) : 31,000/- + HRA to Scholars who are selected through (a) National Eligibility Tests-CSIR-UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship) or GATE or (b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their Agencies and Institutions.
Upper Age Limit : 35 yrs

The positions are co-terminus with the projects HCP-023, GAP-3113 and GAP -3114. Duration of the projects is up to 31.03.2023 (HCP-023), 02.12.2024 (GAP-3113) and 28.12.2023 (GAP-3114).

1. Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates as per GOI/CSIR Instructions. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PWD etc. should send their copies of certificates in the proper format issued by the appropriate authority as per the latest instructions issued on the subject.

2. Age relaxation for Widows, Divorced Women and Women Judicially separated from Husbands, who are not remarried since, as per GOI/CSIR provisions.

3. Application (Google form) for these positions can be filled online in the Google Form. Google Form link is available at the CSIR-IIIM website ( Filled in Google Form should be submitted by or before 17.01.2022 (Monday) up to 5:00 pm.

4. Google Form submitted after the scheduled date and time i.e.17.12.2021 (Monday) up to 5:00 pm. shall not be entertained for Online Interview.

5. Only eligible candidates shall be accessed for the online viva-voce on the date of Online Interview. The list of eligible candidates and dates for Online Interview will be displayed on CSIR-IIIM Website by evening on 18.01.2022 (Tuesday).

6. The applicant should fill Google Form using following link. The applicant should fill separate Google Form for each position code.

7. The shortlisted candidates have to be available on the date of Online Interview from 9.30 A.M. onwards and will be called anytime during the allotted time period (should there be any change, they will be informed accordingly).

8. Eligible/shortlisted candidate shall attend the Online Interview through Video Conferencing on Microsoft Teams.

9. The viva-voce in respect of eligible/shortlisted candidates shall be conducted online through Video Conferencing on Microsoft Teams However, if a large number of candidates apply, the Screening Committee may re-visit the screening criteria and shortlist the candidates for Online Interview in proportion to the available vacancies.

10. Candidate has the option to interact in English/Hindi before the Selection Committee.

11. In case, the final certificates reflect CGPA/SGPA/OGPA Grades etc., the candidate should convert the same into equivalent percentage as per the approved formula of the University in the Google Form.

12. To avoid any inconvenience, only those candidates who strictly fulfil the eligibility criteria and possess the degrees/mark sheets in the aforesaid subjects should apply for the Online Interview.

13. Upon selection/empanelment, the original documents including eligibility qualification, age and relaxation will be verified, if any discrepancy is found, the selection/empanelment shall stand cancelled.

Last Date for Applying Online : 17.01.2022 (Monday) up to 5:00 pm

Apply Online

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