Last Updated on January 5, 2025 by The Health Master

Download Drug Rules: Notifications
Download the latest notifications for Drug Rules: The Government of India issues notifications from time to time, which are published by the Department of Publication and printed regularly by the Government of India Printing Presses.
We have provided some of the important notifications relevant to the above-said topic. Click on the below links for more information:
GSR No. 669(E) dt 28-10-2024 Drugs (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2024 regarding Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Drugs
GSR No. 581(E) dt 19-09-2024 New Drugs and Clinical Trials (Amendment) Rules, 2024.
GSR No. 391(E) dt 12-07-2024 Draft notification Details of Excipients on every strip of medicines under Rule 96, in sub-rule 7
GSR No. 375 dt 10-07-2024 Draft notification Drugs Rules (……Amendment), 2024 Schedule G.
GSR No. 374 dt 10-07-2024 Draft Rules for Compounding of offences under Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940
GSR No. 216(E) dt 18-03-2024 Pack size of drugs in multiple of 7 – Drugs (Second Amendment) Rules, 2024
GSR No. 98(E) dt 02-02-2024 Draft notification for Homoeopathy sale and manufacturing – Drugs (Amendment) Rules, 2024
G.S.R. 95(E) dt 05-02-2024 Inclusion of Oseltamivir and Zanamivir in Schedule H1
GSR 922 dt 28-12-2023 Schedule M Drug (Amendment) Rules 2023
GSR 687(E) dt 25-09-2023 draft notification packsize Schedule P Drug Rules 1945
GSR 686(E) Dt 25-09-2023 Draft Notification Inclusion of Oseltamivir and Zanamivir in Schedule H1 Drugs Rules 1945
GSR No. 410(E) dt 02-06-2023 Notification for Gangavaram port – Drugs (Amendment) Rules, 2023
GSR 341(E) dt. 24-04-2023 Amendment in Rule 153 Drugs (Amendment) Rules, 2023
GSR 823(E) dt 17-11-2022 Schedule H2 Drugs Rules (Eighth Amendment) 2022
GSR 654(E) dt 24-08-2022 Parallel submission of manufacturing & marketing approvals in Form 28-D Drug (Seventh Amendment) Rules 2022
GSR 623(E) dt 10-08-2022 To include colour of disinfectants in rule 127 of Drugs Rules 1945
GSR 502(E) Dt 30-06-2022 Schedule K – Insertion in Sr. No. 39 Drugs (Fifth Amendment) Rules 2022
GSR 448(E) dt 14-06-2022 Amendment in rule 96 for mandating Bar code or QR code on the label of top 300 brands in Drugs Rules
GSR 393 (E) dt 25-05-2022 Draft notification Exemption under Schedule K of the Drugs Rules, 1945 for OTC drugs
GSR 383(E) dt 23-05-2022 Draft Notification Proviso to Sr. No 39 in Sch K for Liquid Antiseptics in Drugs Rules
GSR 382(E) dt 23-05-2022 – Draft Notification New Drug Insertion in Rule 75
GSR 357 (E) Dt 18-05-2022 Inclusion of Acitretin in Sch H of Drugs Rules 1945
GSR 227(E) dt 29-03-2022 To include colour of disinfectants in rule 127 of Drugs Rules 1945
GSR 158(E) dt 24-02-2022 – Inclusion of Allura Red colour in rule 127 of the Drugs Rules 1945
GSR 75(E) dt 01-02-2022 Draft notification Inclusion of Acitretin in Sch H of Drugs Rules 1945
GSR 30(E) dt 20-01-2022 – for exemption of sale license of antiseptics under schedule K of the Drugs Rules 1945
GSR No. 20(E) dt 18-01-2022 – Quick Response code on API – Drugs (Amendment) Rules, 2022
GSR 848(E) dt 09-12-2021 Final Notification of ICD Tihi, M.P. in Rule 43A of Drugs Rules
GSR 840(E) dt 29-11-2021 Draft Amendment of rule 127 for adding allura red in coal tar colour (List of colours permitted to be used in drugs) Drug (Amendment) Rules 2021
GSR 839(E) dt 29-11-2021 Amendment of rule 24 and 24A to omit provisions for issuing duplicate copy of the Import licence and Registration certificate Drug (6th Amendment) Rules 2021
GSR 766(E) dt 27-10-2021 Form 29 Deemed Approval after 7 days Rule 90 Drugs (5th Amendment) Rules 2021
GSR 716(E) dt 01-10-2021 Drugs (4th Amendment) Rules 2021 – For manufacturing of Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani Drugs
GSR 669(E) dt 23-09-2021 – Draft Rules import of new Homoeopathic Medicines Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Rules 2021
GSR 628(E) dt 13-09-2021 Draft Drugs (Amendment) Rules 2021 – including Liquid Antiseptic after Sr. No. 38 of Schedule K
GSR 618(E) dt 07-09-2021 Draft Drugs (Amendment) Rules 2021 – Rule 24 regarding duplicate copy of license
GSR 611(E) dt 01-09-2021 – Draft notification – for Rule 43A Drugs (Amndment) Rules 2021
GSR No. 533(E) dt 03-08-2021 Draft Drug (Amendment) Rules 2021 – Regarding Form-29
GSR No. 524 (E) dt 02-08-2021 Draft – New Drugs and Clinical Trial (Amendment) Rules 2021
G.S.R 502(E) dt 22-07-2021 – Draft – in Rule 127 Schedule Q – to insert IS 4707 BIS
GSR 473(E) dt 02-07-2021- Draft Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Rules, 2021 – Homoeopathy
GSR 258(E) dt 07-04-2021 Inclusion of Tapentadol in schedule H1 of the Drugs Rules, 1945
GSR 202(E) dt 22-03-2021 – Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Rules, 2021 Testing of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathic medicines
GSR 197(E) dt 17-03-3021 Draft notification for Ayurvedic Sidha Unani drugs
GSR 140(E) 26-02-2021 D&C Rules 1945 Schedule K Substitution of Anaganwadi workers and Community Health Officers at Ayushman Bharat
S.O. 189 (E) dt 15-01-2021 Authorization of Dr. J. P Prasad, Deputy Director (Quality Control), NIB, NOIDA, to sign the certificates on behalf of Director, NIB, Noida
G.S.R. No. 763(E) dt 15-12-20 – Cosmetics Rules 2020
GSR 656(E) dt 20-10-2020 – Draft notification regarding addition of Tapentadol in Schedule H1
GSR 219(E) dt. 26-03-2020 – Sec 26 B – Hydroxychloroquine now a schedule H1 drug
GSR-166 (E) dated 11-03-20 Drugs and Cosmetics (Second amendment) Rules 2020 – regarding – Blood Bank / Blood Centre, Qualification of Doctor and technical staff etc.
GSR 1161 (E) dt 03-12-2019 Amendment in Rule 96 – Labelling of drugs
GSR 828 (E) dated 06-11-2019 regarding submission of Form-51 by the manufacturer for marketing the drug under brand name
GSR 567(E) dt 08-08-2019 – Draft – QR code for active pharmaceutical ingredients
G. S. R. 499 (E) dtd 17.07.2019 – Drugs and Cosmetics (Eleventh Amendment) Rules, 2019
G.S.R. 317(E) dtd 18.04.2019 Drugs and Cosmetics Tenth Amendment Rules 2019
G. S. R. 231 (E) dtd 20.3.2019 – Drugs and Cosmetics (Ninth Amendment) Rules, 2019
G. S. R. 227 (E) dtd 19.3.2019 – New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019
G. S. R. 223 (E) dtd 18.3.2019 – Drugs and Cosmetics (Eighth Amendment) Rules, 2019 – Reg. Testing Lab Form 39 A
G. S. R. 205 (E) dtd 8.3.2019 – Drugs and Cosmetics (Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2019
G. S. R. 186 (E) dtd 6.3.2019 – Drugs and Cosmetics (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2019
G. S. R. 153 (E) dtd 26.02.2019 – Drugs and Cosmetics (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2019
G. S. R. 47 (E) dtd 25.1.2019 – Drugs and Cosmetics (Third Amendment) Rules, 2019
GSR 19 (E) dtd 10.1.2019 – Drugs and Cosmetics ( Amendment) Rules, 2019 Rule 84(AB) information to be uploaded on Sugam Portal
GSR 1186 (E) dt 07-12-2018 Rule 127(2) – Approved or permitted color in Gelatine capsule
GSR 999(E) dt. 05-10-2018 Draft for Amendment in Schedule M
G.S.R. 817(E) dt 28-08-2018 -Draft notification – Sale of Drugs by E-Pharmacy / Online Pharmacy
GSR 795 (E) dt 21-08-2018 Oxytocin – Inclusion in Schedule H1 omitting from Schedule H
GSR 521(E) dt 01-06-2018 – Drugs and Cosmetics (Sixth Amendment) Rules 2018 – insertion in Rule 36
GSR 408(E) dt 26-04-2018 Labeling of drugs – Caution or warning under Schedule G, H, H1 and X as per Rule 97 Drugs and Cosmetics (Fifth amendment) Rule 2018
GSR 360 (E) dt 10-04-2018 – Patent or proprietary medicines substituted with word Drugs
GSR 222 (E) dt 13-03-2018 – Rule 96 -Labelling of drugs
G.S.R-1380E-10-11-17-Homeopathy-for Mfg., Sales and Experience-person
GSR 1337(E) Dt. 27-10-17 Drugs and Cosmetics (Tenth Amendment) Rules, 2019 Word Renewal omitted
GSR No. 328 (E) dt 03-04-2017 – Blood Transfer to another Blood Bank and Blood donation Camps
GSR 327 (E) dt 03-04-2017 – BA-BE studies – Drugs and Cosmetics (Ninth Amendment) Rules 2017
GSR 250(E) dt 15-03-2017 Enzymes, Hormones, Bacterial and Viral vaccines inserted, to be tested by Central Research Institute, Kasauli
GSR 144 (E) dated17-02-2017 – regulation on Oseltamivir phosphate & zanamivir
G.S.R. 103(E) dated 02.02.2017 – Drugs and Cosmetics (4th Amendment) Rules, 2017 – Rule 36A Import of drugs by charitable hospital free of cost
GSR 789(E) dt 12-08-2016 for revising shelf life of Ayurvedic, Siddha, Unani medicines
GSR 558(E) Dt-17-07-2015 Diclofenac Injection for Human use in single pack unit only
G.S.R 289 (E) dt 15-04-2015 Drugs and Cosmetics (Third Amendment) Rules 2015 – Advertisement of the drugs
GSR 570 (E) dated 07-08-2014 regarding drug formulation permission in proper or generic name only
GSR 724(E) dt 07-11-2013 regarding Ketamine, Sindoor and IP Drugs and Cosmetics (Sixth Amendment) Rules, 2013
GSR No. 588(E) Dt 30-08-2013 – Schedule H1 Drugs – D&C (fourth Amendment) Rules 2013
GSR 899(E) dt 27-12-2011 – Blood Bank – Drugs and Cosmetics (3rd Amendment) Rules 2011
GSR 45(E) dt 24-01-2011 – Vaccines and Recombinant are new drugs – Drugs and Cosmetics (1st Amendment) Rules 2011
GSR 426(E) dt 19-05-2010 – Import and Registration of Cosmetics – Drugs and Cosmetics (4th Amendment) Rules 2010
GSR 45(E) dt 21-01-2010 – Drugs imported by Sea in India – Drugs and Cosmetics (1st Amendment) Rules 2010
GSR 917(E) dt 22-12-2009 – Schedule K – Homoeopathic Hair Oil – Drugs and Cosmetics (7th Amendment) Rules 2009
GSR 790(E) dt 29-10-2009 – Schedule H – 2 entries omitted Draft Drugs and Cosmetics (5th Amendment) Rules 2009
GSR 651(E) dt 09-09-2009 – Central Drugs Testing Laboratory – Drugs and Cosmetics (5th Amendment) Rules 2009
GSR 471(E) dt 04-08-2006 – Schedule K Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Rules 2006
GSR 160(E) dt 16-03-2006 – Schedule H 536 drugs – Drugs and Cosmetics (2nd Amendment) Rules 2006
GSR 733 (E) dt 21-12-2005 Blood bank run by Govt, Red Cross, Hospitals, Charitable trust or Voluntary Organization approved by Blood Transfusion Council
GSR 600 (E) dt 27-08-2002 regarding In-Vitro Blood grouping Sera and In-Vitro Diagnostic Devices for HIV, HbsAg and HCV
GSR 311 Drugs and Cosmetics Rules 3rd amendment 2002
GSR 249(E) dt 04-04-2002 Funstions of Laboratories regarding Blood grouping, reagents etc.
G.S.R. 909 (E) dt 20-12-2001 Blood Storage Centre
GSR 242(E) dt 03-04-2001 Oxytocin Injection for sale shall be in single unit blister pack Drugs and Cosmetics (Fourth Amendment) Rules, 2001
GSR 40 (E) Dt 29-01-2001 Regarding Blood Bank – Blood donation, Testing, Records labels, Plasma etc.
GSR No. 675 (E) dt 06-09-1994 Draft Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Rules 1945 regarding Schedule R
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