Cabinet approves amendments for Indian System of Medicine Bill

An official release said that the proposed legislation will ensure necessary regulatory reforms in the field of Indian System of Medicine education.

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Cabinet approves official amendments to National Commission for Indian System of Medicine Bill

New Delhi: The union cabinet approved official amendments to the National Commission for Indian System of Medicine Bill, 2019 (NCIM), which is pending in the Rajya Sabha.

An official release said that the proposed legislation will ensure necessary regulatory reforms in the field of Indian System of Medicine education.

It said the proposed regulatory structure will enable transparency and accountability for protecting the interest of the general public.

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“The commission will promote the availability of affordable healthcare services in all parts of the country.

It has been structured to streamline the functions related to academic standards, evaluation, assessment and accreditation of educational institutions pertaining to Indian System of Medicine,” the release said.

The release said that the main objective of establishing NCIM is to promote equity by ensuring an adequate supply of quality medical professionals and enforce high ethical standards in all aspects of medical services in the Indian System of Medicine.