Last Updated on December 12, 2024 by The Health Master

Central Drug Testing Laboratories
Central Drugs Laboratory (CDL) Kolkata
The functions of the laboratory include:
- Statutory Functions:
- Analytical quality control of majority of the imported Drug available in Indian market.
- Analytical quality control of drug and cosmetics manufactured within the country on behalf of the Central and State Drug Controller Administrations.
- Acting as an Appellate authority in matters of disputes relating to quality of Drug.
Central Drugs Testing Laboratory (CDTL) Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Central Drug Testing Laboratory is one of the Seven National Laboratories in India engaged in the research and analysis of Drug and Cosmetics as per Drug and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
Director (CDTL Chennai):
Dr. N. Murugesan
Address:Central Drug Testing Laboratory, Govt. of India, 37, Naval Hospital Road, Periamet, Campus G.M.S.D., Chennai, 600 003
Phone:044-25610402/ 25610205
Fax:044 -25610906
Email: cdtlchennai[at]gmail[dot]com
Central Drugs Testing Laboratory (CDTL) Hyderabad, AP
Central Drug Testing Laboratory is one of the Newly established Laboratories in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India engaged in testing, research and analysis of Drug and Cosmetics as per Drug and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
Director (CDTL Hyderabad):
Dr. N. Murugesan
Address:Central Drug Testing Laboratory, CDSCO, Zonal office Hyderabad , CDSCO BHAVAN, Beside T.B. & Demonstration Centre, S.R. Nagar, Hyderabad – 500038, A.P
Fax:040- 23811328
Email: cdtlhyd{at}gmail[dot]com
Central Drugs Testing Laboratory (CDTL) Mumbai
Accredited By: NABL (ISO/IEC-17025:2005 in Chemical and Biological Testing)
Certified for: IMS (ISO-9001:2008, ISO-14001:2004, OHSAS-18001:2007
The CDTL, Mumbai is one of the National Statutory Laboratories of the Government of India, functioning under administrative control of the Drug Controller General (India), Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi.
The functions of the Laboratory include:
Analysis of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics and Medical Devices manufactured in the country.
Regional Drugs Testing Laboratory (RDTL) Guwahati
The Regional Drugs Testing Laboratory Guwahati is the one of the five National Laboratory of the Govt of India for quality control of Drugs and Cosmetic and is established under the Indian Drugs & Cosmetics Act 1940 functioning under administrative control of the Drugs Controller General of India and sub ordinate office under Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. The laboratory was set up in the year 2002 for entire North Eastern State including Sikkim and is housed in its own building at Guwahati.
Regional Drugs Testing Laboratory (RDTL) Chandigarh
The Regional Drugs Testing Laboratory (RDTL) – Chandigarh is one of the Seven National Drugs Testing Laboratories of Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO), set-up under the requirement for the testing of Drugs & Cosmetics products, working since November-2007. The Laboratory has been developed for the Quality Control of Drugs & Cosmetic products with respect to Infrastructure, Equipment and Manpower for the Chemical, Instrumentation and Microbiological analysis.
The RDTL – Chandigarh is regularly testing number of Legal (Form-18), Survey and imported samples of Drugs & Cosmetics received from the Central Officers / Drugs Inspectors of CDSCO North Zone – Ghaziabad, Sub Zone – Baddi, Jammu, Varanasi and Assistant Drugs Controller (India), Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi.
Apart from this, laboratory is notified for the State of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Union Territories of Chandigarh and Delhi for the analysis of Drugs & Cosmetic samples drawn by their Drug Officers. The laboratory is having testing capacity of about 5000 – Samples, per annum, and is NABL Accredited as per ISO / IEC 17025:2005, since 2016.
Director(RDTL Chandigarh): Dr. Ram Avtar Singh
Address:Regional Drugs Testing Laboratory, Sector 39-C, Chandigarh 160036
Phone:0172 – 2688239
Email: rdtlchd[at]cdsco[dot]nic[dot]in
Central Drugs Laboratory, CDL Kasauli
Central Drugs Laboratory at Central Research Institute (CRI) Kasauli is a Central laboratory engaged in the testing of vaccines. It is a notified laboratory under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 to function as Central Drugs Laboratory for testing of the following drugs or classes of drugs;
- Sera
- Solution of serum proteins intended for injection
- Vaccines
- Toxins
- Antigens
- Anti-toxins
- Sterilized surgical ligature and sterilized surgical suture
- Bacteriophages, including Oral Polio vaccine.
Food testing laboratories
State wise list of food Analyst – Food testing Laboratories, click below link
Ayurvedic, Siddha & Unani testing laboratories
List of Ayurvedic, Siddha & Unani testing laboratories, click below links:
For notifications of Testing Laboratories, click below link:
Notifications – Testing Laboratories
Laboratory Safety Manual
Laboratory Safety Manual – Revised July 2016, click below link
List of Laboratory instruments
Here is the list of laboratory instruments for Pharmaceutical & Cosmetics units
Instruments required for testing of Drugs other than those specified in Schedule C & C1
Crude Vegetable Drugs
General glassware
Balance (Analytical)
Soxhlet Extractor
Water Bath
Hot Plate
U.V. Chamber
Any Other Specialized equipment
Mechanical Contraceptives (Schedule R)
Leakage tester
Bursting col.
Pressure tester
Vernier Caliper
Balance (Analytical)
Aging Oven
Equipment’s for Package integrity test.
Surgical Dressing (Schedule FII)
U.V. Cabinet
Soxhlet extractor
Absorbency Tester
Balance (Analytical)
All equipment required for Sterility testing
Drug requiring Instrumental Analysis
UV/VIS Spectrophotometer
I.R. Spectrophotometer
Pallet maker and holder
KBR discs(for nuzole mull)
Liquid Cell Holder
HPLC (Isocratic & Quarternary)
Type of detector
Required Columns
Gas Chromatograph
Type of detector
Required Columns
AAS (Flame / Graphite furnace / Hydride generator)
Poteniometric Titrator
Flame Photometer
Balance (Analytical)
KF Titrator
Water Bath
Dissolution Test Apparatus
Basket Type
Paddle Type
Disintegration Test Apparatus
Melting Point Apparatus
General Glassware
Stop watch
Water Distillation Plant
Particle Counter (Specially for LVP’s)
710 micron Sieve for Uniformity of dispersion test
Platinum crucible
Any other instrument required for Specialized testing
Drugs requiring use of Microbiological Testing
Clean room
Laminar Flow
Biosafety Cabinet
Autoclave for sterility
pH Meter
Gas Burner
Water Bath
Filtration unit
Vacuum Pump
BOD Incubator
Balance (Analytical)
Glass wares
Other general equipment required for general day to day activity
Special requirements other than General for:
Platinum loop
Proper Culture
Stop Watch
Oven up to 35oC
Vernier Caliper / Zone Reader
Proper Culture
Vitamins (excluding electrophoresis)
Vernier Caliper / Zone Reader
Vortex Mixer
Filtration Unit
Vacuum Pump
0.45m Pore Filter Paper Sterile
Sterile forceps
Bone cutter
Surgical blade
Ampoule Cutter
Sterile Gloves
Face Masks
Sterile garments
LAL Reagents
Heating block
Sterile test tubes
Vortex mixer
Sterile tips
Pipettes tips (Pyrogen free)
Stop watch
LAL Water / Pyrogen free Sterile distilled water
Animal House
Pyrothermometer / Rectal thermometer
Sterile syringes, needles
Pyrogen free glassware
Pyrogen free Sodium Chloride Solution / Water
Animal Holding Stands
Sterilized surgical Sutures and Ligatures
Sterility testing facilities
Tensile Strength Tester
Sera Vaccines
Sterility testing facilities and other specialized testing facilities required for Testing Sera vaccines
Pharmacological Testing
Operation Table
Water Bath
Oxygen Cylinder
Other equipments required for Pharmacological testing
Cosmetic Testing
Pay-off test apparatus
Break load apparatus
Foam height apparatus
Scracth test apparatus
Drying time apparatus
Penetrometer for consistency
Rotating Viscometer
Also download the above whole list of laboratory instruments, click below link:
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