Advisory by Pharmacy Council of India

Advisory by Pharmacy Council of India

PCI Pharmacy Council of India
Dr. B Suresh

Last Updated on October 2, 2024 by The Health Master

Dear Colleagues and friends,

During these times of challenges, uncertainty and rapid changes the Pharmacy Council of India would like to join hands with the Leadership of the Nation in maintaining the principles of ‘Resolve and Restraint’, by doing all that is required to ensure the health and safety of our community. In this direction the following advisory is issued on behalf of the council:

1.All inspections of the Pharmacy colleges that are in progress or have been scheduled are cancelled and the PCI inspectors are advised to return to their homes and be well and safe.

2. The Pharmacy institutions need not worry about their approval processes and statutory compliances as the council will take necessary efforts to resolve such difficulties in a timely and efficient manner.

3. The Pharmacy colleges are advised to follow the instructions / advisory  that are given by the Government of India and respective State Governments and shall keep the safety and well being of the students, staff and faculty at all times.

4. Examinations if any scheduled during these times, the examining authorities are advised to follow the guidelines given by the government in their respective states and postpone the exams if need be.

5. The principles of hygiene, social distancing and restricted movements may be advocated among all stakeholders.

6. The Pharmacy institutions, faculty, and working pharmacists may explore how with their knowledge and skill they can assist the local health authorities in this national emergency by creating awareness, supporting physicians, counselling patients and many more ways that may be applicable in your region.

7. Above all let’s all remain safe and well and I am sure that as a nation we will come out of this situation soon and continue to be the Pharma Hub of the world. 

B Suresh
Dr. B Suresh, President, PCI

Truly yours,
Dr B Suresh
President, Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi

NB – to ease any doubts on the genuinity of this communication the PCI will issue the same advisory on its website.

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