Efficacy test of all India FDA Officers held

This competition was the first competition in the history of the country, which has generated good results and a wave of curiosity among the colleagues

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Last Updated on July 29, 2020 by The Health Master

Recently an online quiz was organized by “Pallavi Memorial Trust” in collaboration with DCO all India Group to check the sharpness and efficacy of Drugs Control Officers across India pertaining to rules and regulations of Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940, and Rules 1945.

The quiz was prepared and designed by PK Jaggi, the former deputy Drugs Controller of NCT of Delhi. He created and designed the objective questions for the test, were also given the option to answer them.

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The quiz was organized by Lalit Kr. Goel, Asstt. State Drugs Controller, FDA Haryana, G Koteshwar Rao, Former drugs inspector, vigilance and intelligence and Chairman Pallavi Memorial Trust, Telangana and Rakesh Dahiya, Senior Drugs Control Officer, FDA Haryana. The trio officers announced a prize of 25,000 ₹ to the winner who gave 100% correct answers.

“In this competition, 165 drug administration officers from all over the country, posted in various states from Drugs Control Officer to State Drug Controller from state FDAs and CDSCO who wanted to check their sharpness themselves participated in this online quiz” told Koteshwar Rao.

“It was also observed that many officers could not participate in the quiz due to lack of time or network problem” he added

He further told that following officers got 100% marks in the quiz:
Anil Kumar Chalakani (Tilengana)
Raja Reddy (Tilengana)
Mural Krishana (Tilengana)
Madhumitha (Tamil Nadu)
Mahalakshmi (Kerala)
Dhanya VS (Kerala)
Ajayraj D Shah (Karnataka)
Chirag (Himachal)
K. K. Narendran (Delhi)
Sakathavel (CDSO Delhi)

“The amount will be distributed among the officers who got 100% marks in the said quiz. The bank details have been asked from the winners so that the amount can be sent to their accounts directly” told Lalit kr. Goel.

“This competition was the first competition in the history of the country, which has generated good results and a wave of curiosity among the colleagues” he added.

“The Auto generated Participant Certificates have been sent online to everyone and that such contests will be organized from time to time” told Rakesh Dahiya

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