The truth about Alkaline water

Although bland in every sense of the term, water plays an unparalleled role in our well-being

Liquid Water Food Health
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on June 18, 2022 by The Health Master

This week, I’m switching gears from the zestiest food item in our diet (chutney) to the blandest one known yet – water.

Although bland in every sense of the term, water plays an unparalleled role in our well-being. Unfortunately, water is rarely given the attention it deserves, particularly by people of my ilk.

However, the extensive range of bottled water on the market tells us that it surely has the attention of entrepreneurs.

Simply listing out the different kinds of water available in the market takes an awfully long time!

Today, I speak specifically of bottled alkaline water, the market for which is growing at an exponential rate.

The alkaline water fad, which has been around for some time, stems from the alkaline diet hypothesis (fad also) that claims to be the panacea for all ills.

Back in 2002, Robert O. Young, an alternative medicine practitioner, proposed the acid ash hypothesis, which resulted in a series of bestselling books on the need to create an alkaline pH in the body by following a certain type of diet.

The alkaline diet may be immensely popular, but there is no scientific evidence to support its claims. Alkaline water happens to be on a similar trajectory – a hugely popular product, the benefits of which lack scientific backing.

For now, let’s examine the facts that are authentic and verified. The human body is perfectly designed to maintain blood pH rather tightly within the narrow range of 7.35 to 7.45.

There is evidence to show that no matter how alkaline your food or water may be, the blood pH is unwavering and remains within the aforementioned range.

There are two organs that work towards maintaining the body’s pH balance – the kidneys and the lungs.

The kidneys purge extra acids through urine, while the lungs do so as they expel carbon dioxide. As long as these two organs are functioning well, what you eat and drink will not alter the body’s pH level.

Let’s assume you drink the alkaline water. Once the water reaches the stomach, the acids in the stomach instantly neutralise it.

The water then interacts with the pancreatic juice, which is alkaline. Eventually, the pH of the water is evened out, so it really doesn’t matter that the water you drank was alkaline.

Whether you drink acidic lemon juice (pH 2) or alkaline baking soda solution (pH 9), the blood pH remains unchanged. Clearly, there is little value in spending more on alkaline water that eventually has the same effect on the body as tap water, which is neutral at pH 7.

Of course, it is another matter that tap water in many parts of the world may not be potable, making it essential to drink purified water.

In conclusion, we know that there isn’t enough scientific evidence to support the claims on wellness and longevity made by alkaline water.

While investing alkaline water may not be worth it, foods like fruits and vegetables which get converted to alkaline substances on digestion remain highly valuable for their many other nutritive properties.

Nutrition Therapist & Wellness Consultant

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