Govt initiates to prepare database for administering Vaccine

The Government of India has initiated preparation for introduction of C–19 vaccine, upon its availability.

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Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 19, 2024 by The Health Master

The  National Health Mission (NHM) under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) is creating a database of Healthcare Workers (HCW) for administering C-19 Vaccine across the country. It has  also identified the potential vaccinators from different categories, who is having experience in administrating injections through Intra-muscular, intra-dermal and sub- cutaneous routes.

As per the issued letter by Vandana Gurbani, Additional, Chief Secretary and Mission Director communicates to all the Mission Directors of States and Union Territories communicated, ” The Government of India has initiated preparation for introduction of C–19 vaccine, upon its availability.

As part of the preparation, one of the activities is the creation of database of Healthcare Workers (HCW), who will be prioritised for the C-19 vaccine. This database of HCW is to be uploaded on C–19 Vaccine Intelligence Network (CoVIN).”

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In this regard, it is re-iterated that the potential vaccinators amongst the HCWs needs to be identified for support during the C–19 vaccination drive. The following persons may be considered as potential vaccinators, provided that they are actively involved in day to day provision of clinical care to patients and have experience in administering injections through Intra-muscular, intra-dermal and sub- cutaneous routes;

1) MBBS doctors
2) BDS Doctors
3) Staff Nurses (B.Sc nursing)
4) Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (GNM, ANM etc.)
5) Pharmacists
6) MBBS interns
7) BDS interns

Besides this, the authority has also directed to concerned officials to ensure  the identification of above mentioned potential vaccinators in the database of HCW being created for upload on CoVIN software.

“Appropriate training of the potential vaccinators will be carried out before utilising them for C-19 Vaccination drive. Further the state may also consider retired personnel from above mentioned categories, as applicable, that may be utilised to meet the demand for vaccinators,” stated in the letter.

An industry observer said that it is a timely  move initiated by the government of identifying the potential vaccinators from different categories, who are involved in day to day activities of clinical care of patients. It is also commendable to see the preparedness of the government, of those identified as potential vaccinators will also be given training before utilising their service for the C-19 vaccination drive.”

Therefore, it has requested to identify the pool of potential vaccinators , which will be available once the C–19 vaccine is available as per the list shared and utilise the same for filing the templates for preparing a database of HCW.

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