Understanding the timelines for Kidney failure and related treatment

Dialysis or kidney transplantation are required for patients with end-stage renal failure.

Kidney Health
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 26, 2024 by The Health Master

Timelines for Kidney failure and related treatment

With the growing number of chronic disease patients, it is becoming increasingly important for people to live a healthy lifestyle. 

Kidney disease is among India’s leading causes of disability, morbidity, and mortality, owing to the global disease burden.

ESRD (End-stage Renal Disorder) affects one out of every ten people. End-stage renal failure is the final, permanent stage of chronic kidney disease in which kidney function has regressed to the point where the kidneys can no longer function on their own. 

Dialysis or kidney transplantation are required for patients with end-stage renal failure.

A kidney transplant is the only cure for the majority of patients; therefore, it becomes vital to take the best care of your health possible.

Here is a list of pointers to help you better understand the kidney transplantation process. As kidney failure progresses, patients may experience a wide range of symptoms.

Fatigue, drowsiness, decreased urination or inability to urinate, dry skin, itchy skin, headache, weight loss, nausea, bone pain, and easy bruising are some of the symptoms.

The disease can be diagnosed with blood tests, urine tests, kidney ultrasound, kidney biopsy, and CT scan. Along with understanding the timelines for kidney transplants, it is also essential to be aware of serious kidney diseases.

It is critical to be aware of severe kidney diseases and their treatments in order to improve one’s quality of life. Ignoring the warnings and symptoms can put a person in a life-threatening situation.

Working of Kidney

The kidney is an extremely important part of the body because it eliminates all kinds of waste and extra bodily fluids. 

Healthy kidneys filter about half a cup of blood every minute, extracting waste and excess water to produce urine.

Urine flows from the kidneys to the urinary bladder via two thin muscle tubes called ureters, one on either side of your bladder.

Urine is stored in your bladder. The urinary tract comprises the kidneys, ureters, and bladder.

What transpires during Kidney Failure?

The kidneys play an essential part in waste removal in the body.

They pump 45 gallons of blood to remove the waste products that have been mixed into the blood. This process is very important for normal body functioning.

When the kidneys stop functioning, the waste products are not washed away. Waste begins to build up in the body and increases blood pressure to dangerously high levels, resulting in kidney failure.

Options Available

Kidney transplants are carried out under the supervision of renowned nephrologists, and all necessary precautions are taken.

When you have kidney failure, your nephrologists will recommend one of two treatments:

Kidney Transplant

A kidney transplant is surgery to replace a diseased kidney with a healthy kidney from a donor. The kidney may originate from a living or a deceased donor.

One of the kidneys of only family members or Cadaver kidney may be donated. A live transplant is the name given to this kind of transplant.

Donors of kidneys can live healthy lives with one functioning kidney. This is a life-saving procedure in the event of kidney failure.


Dialysis is another process in which blood is filtered using a machine. It is needed when your kidneys can no longer care for your body’s needs.

Toxins are artificially flushed from the body, and the machine accurately performs kidney functions.

Kidney Transplant- The preferred and best solution

A kidney transplant is always a better option because it guarantees a better quality of life and eliminates the need for monthly treatments.

This kind of treatment has fewer dietary restrictions, and you feel more energetic than with other treatments.

Furthermore, the chances of shortcomings due to health issues are lower in kidney transplantation.

By Dr. Sujit Chatterjee
The Author is CEO, Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital

(DISCLAIMER: The views expressed are solely of the author and ETHealthworld does not necessarily subscribe to it. ETHealthworld.com shall not be responsible for any damage caused to any person / organisation directly or indirectly.)

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