BP: Keep these important things in mind while checking Blood Pressure

It is also very important to keep blood pressure under control. Problems can also arise if the blood pressure is high.

Blood Pressure BP Reading Apparatus
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on January 14, 2024 by The Health Master

Important things while checking blood pressure

Let all the organs in our body function properly. For this it becomes very important to take care of many things.

It is also very important to keep blood pressure under control. Problems can also arise if the blood pressure is high.

At the same time, even if there is low blood pressure, many problems may have to be faced. The direct effect of blood pressure is related to the heart.

In such a situation, along with a proper diet to balance the blood pressure, it is also necessary to get it checked on time.

In such a situation, a lot of money is also spent in going out every time to get the blood pressure checked.

That’s why today we will tell you how you can check blood pressure at home at home.

What is blood pressure

The capacity in which your heart pumps and reaches the blood to the rest of the body is called blood pressure.

Blood pressure is one of the important signs of the body through which it is known whether the body is working properly or not.

In such a situation, if your blood pressure is high then also it is a problem and if it is low then also it is a problem.

But for this it is very important to have an accurate reading of blood pressure.

In such a situation, there are many ways to check the correct blood pressure, which we will tell you below.

Who should check their blood pressure

It is recommended that you consult a doctor before getting your blood pressure checked.

Apart from this, if you have any of the problems mentioned below, then also you can check the blood pressure.

  • Low blood pressure, high blood pressure and heart related patients can get blood pressure checked.
  • People who are taking any kind of medicine, and the medicine has been changed.
  • People living under stress or people who have problems with dizziness. He can also get it checked.
  • People who are prone to high blood pressure or low blood pressure.

Make sure to get your tests done on time.

If you want to check blood pressure at home, you can do so.

There are two ways to check blood pressure at home.

One is through automatic blood pressure machine and the other is through manual blood pressure machine.

Let us know which of these methods would be best for you.

  • There may be some problems associated with the automatic machine
  • Many machines work only on the reverse hand.
  • The reading results may be affected by body movement.
  • Some automatic machines run on batteries which are also very expensive.

Automatic blood pressure machine

This is the easiest and best way to measure blood pressure. This machine comes with gauze and cuff only.

Along with this, if there is any obstacle in measuring the blood pressure, then for this also an error indicator is given in the machine.

The cuff given in the machine inflates automatically and you do not need a stethoscope.

When this machine completes its work, it will show the blood pressure on the screen present on it.

However, while using the machine, keep in mind that the cuff is neither too tight nor too loose.

This can affect the blood pressure readings. This machine is perfect for people who live alone and do not want to put much effort in understanding blood pressure.

Manual blood pressure machine

If you want to check through this machine, then you will need many things for this. such as blood pressure cuff with a squeezable balloon, aneroid monitor, stethoscope.

If you want to check blood pressure, then do these things before taking rest before taking blood pressure.

Know your normal blood pressure.

If you do not know your normal blood pressure, then you should get this information from the doctor.

After this, place your hand on top of a table and let your palms face upwards.

Strap on your biceps and squeeze the squeezable balloon to properly inflate the cuff.

Look at the aneroid monitor and inflate the cuff to 20 or 30 mm above your normal blood pressure.

When the cuff is inflated, place the stethoscope on the top of your elbow with the flat side close to the cuff.

After this, as soon as the first pulse beat is heard, pay attention to it and note it down. This is your systolic blood pressure.

Now slowly deflate the balloon until the sound of the pulse stops. When the sound stops, this is your diastolic blood pressure.

Keep in mind that you will need someone from the medical field to check blood pressure through a manual machine.

One who knows how to operate the machine manually. Let us tell you that there may be a problem in the reading of the manual machine.

Along with this, your time will also be spent in checking through this. Apart from this, it is also very difficult to understand the readings that come after checking through this process.

Translated in English by The Health Mater

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