Why your immunity is at an all-time low

Wondering why? Sometimes some not so obvious reasons are responsible for your weakened immunity.

Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on February 9, 2021 by The Health Master

01 Unexpected reasons why your immunity is at an all-time low

You wash your hands often, stay away from sick people, never forget to take your vitamins and still catch the flu.

Wondering why? Sometimes some not so obvious reasons are responsible for your weakened immunity. Here is a list of five weird reasons behind you often falling sick.

02 You live in a polluted place

The air around you is not only harming your lungs but your immunity too.

Studies have found that polluted air suppresses the T cells, which are important for your immune system to be healthy.

What you can do?

As you cannot control the air quality outside, you can invest in an air purifier and face mask. This will help you breathe easily indoors as well as outdoors.

03 ​You are consuming too much protein

Consuming excess animal protein can make your body produce more of 1GF1 hormone. The hormone is known to speed up ageing and hamper your immune system.

What you can do?

Make sure that no more than 10 per cent of your daily calorie intake should come from animal sources like meat and dairy.

If this doesn’t help, you can cut down the animal protein intake to 5 per cent.

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04 You spend most of your day alone

People who are lonely are usually less resilient in the time of stress and thus their immune system suffers.

What you can do?

Spend some quality time with your friends, loved ones and neighbours.

People with happy relationships have a greater resistance to infections as compared to lonely people, says study.

05 You are sitting all day

If you have a nine to five job, your butt is planted on the chair most of the time.

This slows down your metabolism, which can cause your body to absorb immunity-boosting nutrients much slower than normal.

What you can do?

Make sure to take a five-minute break in every half an hour.

These little moves will boost your metabolism and activate your muscles.


Keeping a mug instead of a bottle will increase your number of rounds to the pantry and thus your overall movement.

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