- Key Notes on Revised Schedule M: Investigational Pharmaceutical Products - February 6, 2025
- Key Notes on Revised Schedule M: Phytopharmaceuticals - January 25, 2025
- Key Notes on Revised Schedule M: Radiopharmaceutical Products - January 20, 2025
Last Updated on February 10, 2025 by The Health Master
Key considerations for Phytopharmaceuticals for compliance under revised Schedule M are outlined below.
Continued from: Key Notes on Revised Schedule M: Radiopharmaceutical Products
Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceutical Products
Revised Schedule M: Essential GMP Guidelines for Phytopharmaceuticals Manufacturers in India
Navigating the Revised Schedule M: Essential GMP Guidelines for Phytopharmaceuticals Manufacturers in India
The revised Schedule M in India outlines specific Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) requirements for the production of Phytopharmaceuticals.
These guidelines aim to ensure the safety, quality, and efficacy of these vital Phytopharmaceuticals products.
Key requirements
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for pharmaceutical products apply to the manufacture of Phytopharmaceuticals, with additional requirements specific to their nature.
Quality assurance requires control of starting materials, storage, processing, and use of modern analytical techniques.
Critical equipment qualification, process validation, and change control are essential for production consistency.
A high level of sanitation and hygiene is necessary throughout manufacturing to avoid contamination.
Personnel involved in production and quality control must be adequately trained on the specific characteristics of Phytopharmaceuticals.
Premises design, construction, and maintenance must consider the potential for degradation, infestation, and microbial contamination.
Storage areas must be well-organized, clean, and labeled to prevent cross-contamination.
Effective cleaning methods are necessary to prevent dust generation and cross-contamination during processing.
All incoming plant materials must be quarantined and stored under appropriate conditions.
Reference standards for phytopharmaceuticals may include botanical samples, plant preparations, or chemically defined substances.
Specifications for starting materials, plant preparations, and finished phytopharmaceuticals should focus on ensuring safety and efficacy.
Finished product specifications should include tests for microbiological contamination, uniformity of weight, physical appearance, and other relevant characteristics.
The control tests and specifications should allow for the determination of the main active constituents.
Testing Requirements
Identity and Quality:
- Manufacturers must test the identity and quality of all plant materials, plant preparations (including extracts), and finished phytopharmaceutical products.
Categorization of Testing:
- Testing approaches depend on the knowledge of active constituents:
Known and Quantifiable Active Constituents:
- Test for and quantify the identified active constituents.
Known Main Component Group:
- Test for and quantify the main group of components contributing to activity (e.g., total essential oils or a representative substance like flavonoids).
Known Marker Substances:
- If active constituents aren’t identified or quantifiable, test for known marker substances.
Other (No Quantification):
- If quantification isn’t applicable or feasible, use other suitable tests, such as fingerprint chromatograms.
Identification Methods:
Use specific identification methods to differentiate the required plant material from potential substitutes or adulterants:
- Physical/Macroscopic/Microscopic Tests
- Chromatographic Procedures (TLC, HPLC, HPTLC, GLC)
- Spectrometric Techniques (UV-VIS, IR, NMR, MS)
- Chemical Reactions
Reference Samples:
- Maintain reference samples of plant materials for comparative testing (e.g., visual/microscopic examination, chromatography).
Quantitative Determination:
- Quantify known active components (for categories a and b) and marker substances (for category c).
Method Development:
- Develop and execute quality control methods in line with specification requirements, selecting tests characteristic of the analyte.
Fingerprint Chromatograms:
- For materials in category (d), use characteristic chromatograms (fingerprints) to track main constituents, acknowledging potential variations between deliveries and batches.
Stability Studies
Stability Data:
- If an expiry date is given for plant material or preparations, supporting stability data must be available. Stability data is always required for finished products.
Comprehensive Stability Assessment:
- Since the entire plant material is considered the active ingredient, simply determining the stability of known active constituents is usually insufficient.
Chromatographic Analysis:
- Use chromatography to trace changes during storage, demonstrating that the identified active ingredient (if any) and other substances remain stable and within defined limits.
Consistent Fingerprint Methods:
- Use fingerprint methods for stability studies that are as similar as possible to those used for quality control.
Established Methods:
- Use widely accepted methods for assaying identified active ingredients, constituents with known therapeutic activity, and markers.
Additional Tests:
- Emphasize other tests (moisture content, microbial contamination, dosage form control) to determine finished product shelf-life.
Preservative/Stabilizer Monitoring:
- Monitor the stability of preservatives and stabilizers. If none are used, perform alternative tests to ensure self-preservation over the product’s shelf-life.
Storage Conditions:
- Store stability study samples in the containers intended for marketing.
Batch Inclusion:
- Include the first three commercial production batches in the stability monitoring program to confirm the expiry date.
- Fewer batches may be acceptable if previous data (including pilot batches) indicates stability for at least two years.
Ongoing Stability Studies:
- Document a protocol for ongoing stability studies, typically involving one batch per year in a monitoring program.
Packaging and Labeling
Packaging Material Control:
- Store packaging materials properly and implement controls to prevent the use of incorrect labels and cartons.
Container Cleaning:
- Thoroughly clean and dry all containers and closures before packing.
Label Information:
- Provide adequate label (or package insert) information: composition, indications/actions, directions for use, cautions, adverse reactions (if any), and expiry date.
Quantitative Composition:
- Unless fully justified, state the full quantitative composition of phytopharmaceutical ingredients on the label.
- If not possible, list at least the main ingredients on the label and the full qualitative composition on the package insert.
Expression of Active Ingredients:
Express qualitative and quantitative particulars of active ingredients as follows:
Comminuted/Powdered Plant Materials:
- State the quantity of plant material or, if constituents with known therapeutic activity are unidentified, state the quantity of the preparation. Alternatively, provide a range corresponding to a defined quantity of constituents with known therapeutic activity.
Plant Preparations (Beyond Commination):
- State the nature and concentration of the solvent and the extract’s physical state.
- Also indicate the equivalent quantity or ratio of plant material to preparation (if therapeutic activity is unknown).
- If therapeutic activity is known, provide a range corresponding to a defined quantity of the constituents.
Solvent Information:
- Identify the composition of any solvent or solvent mixture used and the extract’s physical state.
Added Substances:
- If any substance is added to adjust constituent levels or for any other purpose, describe them as “other ingredients” and the genuine extract as the “active ingredient.”
- If different extract batches are used for adjustment, the final mixture is considered the genuine extract and listed as the “active ingredient.”
Please note: This information is for general guidance only and may not be exhaustive. Refer to the official regulations and any applicable guidance documents for specific requirements and interpretations.
Compiled by:
Rakesh Dahiya, SDCO cum Licensing Authority, FDA Haryana
Next: Key Notes on Revised Schedule M: Investigational Pharmaceutical products
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