The panic over the coronavirus in the hearts of the people has increased so much that they have easily believed in many viral rumors on social media about the infection. To protect people from the tension arising out of such rumors, the WHO (World Health Organization) has tried to tell the truth of some viral myths spread around the world over the coronavirus.
There may be some rumors in the midst of these viral rumors that you are still assuming the truth so far. Amidst similar rumors, let’s know what the advice of the World Health Organization people is.
Can’t spread corona in hot weather?
Amidst the panic spread from the corona, a rumor is being heard that the coronavirus itself is eliminated when the temperature rises and the weather is hot. Therefore, the person should bathe in lukewarm water several times a day.
As true, the coronavirus can spread anywhere, to any area. Corona infection has nothing to do with the environment or any climate. No scientist has yet confirmed whether the temperature rise will reduce the effect of the coronavirus.
Will the spraying of alcohol or chlorine relieve?
Alcohol or chlorine can serve to kill germs on the floor, and both of them are not effective measures to prevent coronavirus.
Can coronavirus be eliminated from hand dryers?
Those who feel that they can eliminate the coronavirus with the help of a hand dryer are wrong. To keep the coronavirus away from itself, who has advised the person to wash his hands thoroughly with alcohol mixed soap or hand wash.
Also read: Coronavirus: How to maintain your respiratory hygiene
How capable are thermal scanners in detecting infected people?
Thermal scanners are effective in detecting people who have seen symptoms like fever due to the infection of the Coronavirus. However, they cannot detect people who are infected but have not yet seen symptoms like fever. This is because it takes 2 to 10 days before infected people get sick and develop a fever.
Eating garlic can prevent coronavirus infection
Eating garlic gives a person many health benefits. With antimicrobial properties in garlic, it protects the body from many diseases. Despite this, no evidence has yet been found that eating garlic has saved people from the coronavirus.

Can the corona be eliminated with the help of ultraviolet light?
Let’s say, the ultraviolet light sterilizer should not be used. More use of ultraviolet light can burn the skin.
Can pneumonia drugs be prevented from coronavirus?
Pneumonia vaccines such as pneumococcal vaccine and Hemophilus influenza type B vaccine do not die of coronaviruses. The reason behind this is that the coronavirus is now completely new and different for scientists. To prevent this, they have to make a vaccine for the same virus.
Can the corona be prevented by cleaning the nose with saltwater?
It cannot be said that you can protect yourself from the coronavirus by cleaning the nose daily with saltwater. However, doing so can help you recover much quicker than the normal cold.