FSSAI Launches Food Safety Mitra Scheme

FSSAI Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

Last Updated on January 26, 2024 by The Health Master

New Delhi: In a bid to improve the ease of doing business, apex food regulator Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) on Wednesday launched a scheme –Food Safety Mitra (FSM). The scheme will support small and medium scale food businesses in compliance to the food safety laws.

FSSAI has said that the scheme will lead to improved ease of doing business by creating a transparent and organized ecosystem supporting food businesses wherein food businesses will be able to get trained service providers at fair prices – lowering the costs of compliance.

“Apart from strengthening food safety, this scheme would also create new employment opportunities for youth, particularly with food and nutrition background. The FSM would undergo training and certification by FSSAI to do their work and get paid by food businesses for their services,” said Pawan Agarwal, Chief Executive Officer, FSSAI.

“FSM opens a new dimension to food safety administration by augmenting government capacity and providing services to food businesses, particularly small and medium food businesses in the area of registration and licensing, training and hygiene rating. Through FSM, FSSAI plans to engage motivated individuals with the food safety ecosystem at ground level,” he said.

A Food Safety Mitra is an individual professional certified by FSSAI who assists in compliances related to FSS Act, Rules and regulations with three avatars viz. Digital Mitra, Trainer Mitra and Hygiene Mitra depending upon their respective roles and responsibilities.

The FSSAI has also written to various states to implement the scheme properly. It has asked that in order to kick start the scheme, the assistance of the Network of Professionals of Food and Nutrition in India chapters of respective States (where ever they exist) may also be taken.

FSSAI has put together an online portal for the same i.e. https://fssaigov.in/mitra/ and the registrations on the same for Digital Mitra have begun. A detailed brochure for the Food Safety Mitra scheme containing the structure and fees etc. is attached and is also available at https://fssai.gov.in/mitra/doc/fsrn.pdf.

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