NIPER Ahmedabad to host workshops on discovery & development of drugs


Last Updated on January 14, 2024 by The Health Master

order to bridge the gap between academia and industry through improving ecosystem of pharmaceutical research, the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Ahmedabad (NIPER-A) is conducting a series of workshops on drug discovery, medicinal chemistry, natural product, biotechnology, pharmacology drug development, pharmaceutical analysis and medical devices between November 11 and November 15, 2019.

Talking about the relevance of the workshops, NIPER Ahmedabad director Dr Kiran Kalia informed, “Academia needs to align with pharmaceutical industry for overall growth in the pharmaceutical sector. The evolving need of pharmaceuticals on biosimilars and regulatory challenges need to be addressed through skilled and trained manpower. More so, the need lies in that the paradigm shift has to be mapped by decreasing gap between academic research and industry needs.”

The last date for registration is October 20.

This is basically aimed at training scientists for industry requirements. It will also discuss of journey of drug from discovery to the market and prepare industry for pharma business challenges.

The thrust areas of the workshops are diabetes and obesity, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative disease, induced pluripotent stem cells, proteomics and genomics market.

It will cover following relevant topics like skill sets required for drug discovery, steps of drug development, reverse engineering, application of in-silicotolls in drug design and optimisation, analytical requirements for biosimilars, introduction to regulatory requirements, drafting drug master file (DMF).

It is aimed at upgrading requirements in drug discovery needs and skills required by the industry to facilitate the same.

NIPER-Ahmedabad was established in 2007, under the NIPER Act-1998 by the Union ministry of chemicals and fertilisers, under the Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP) to train individuals showing competency and scholarship in the pharmaceutical sector to meet the needs of the evolving healthcare sector.