Largest formulations data launches in India: US

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By Lalit K Jha

Washington: A division of the American Chemical Society (CAS), specialising in scientific information solutions, has launched Formulus , the world’s largest collection of formulations sourced from journals, patents and product inserts in India.

The Formulus is the new one-stop shop for research scientists looking to search through millions of formulations quickly and efficiently.

It can be a potential game changer for India’s pharmaceutical and agrochemical sector, the CAS said in a statement.

The Formulas streamlines and simplifies the time-consuming process of formulating new products and can help new innovations get to market faster, it said.

The CAS plans to hold workshops in Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore to demonstrate its capabilities for formulators and researchers.

“The new CAS collection of formulations has been curated from information found by hundreds of scientists from numerous sources,” said Molly Strausbaugh, CAS Assistant Director.

This data clearly identifies formulation ingredients and their roles and provides users with critical insights, decreasing development time, he added.

“By speeding up this process, formulators are able to receive reliable information more quickly, allowing them more time to spend on the real-world challenges they’re trying to solve,” Strausbaugh said.