Music therapy for patients

Music therapy for patients in the hospitals. Music being played to help patients relax

Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on January 15, 2021 by The Health Master

SAMBALPUR: In a novel attempt, doctors at the District Headquarters Hospital in Sambalpur have started providing music therapy to the patients. 

Music and sound systems have been installed in all the wards and OPD of the hospital to help patients and their attendants relax through devotional and soft music.

No sound systems have, however, been put up in operation theatres, labour rooms and Mother and Child Health Care Centre of the hospital.

CDMO Sashi Bhusan Patel said music is being played for patients in the DHH from Sunday and for the purpose, 15 sound boxes have been installed.

Besides devotional and soft music, the sound systems are being used to create awareness on health issues as well as cleanliness, harmful effect of gutka and appealing people not to spit in the open. More sound systems will be installed in the hospital soon, he said. 

An attendant of a patient, Ramchandra Khadia of Gaudpali under Jamankira block, lauded the move and said they are getting various information and updates through the system.

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Apart from the information, the music is having a relaxing effect on everyone and improving the patientcare atmosphere in the hospital, he said.  

Patients from across the district besides neighbouring ones depend on the DHH for their healthcare needs. Although the DHH has a sanctioned 149 beds, it accommodates over 268 patients in 15 different wards.

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