Job for Pharmacy graduates in FDA

Job for Pharmacy graduates in Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) | Government Jobs - Last date 27-03-20

Govt Job
Picture: Piaxabay

Last Updated on October 17, 2024 by The Health Master

The Goa Public Service Commission is a body created by the Constitution of India. The Commission advises the Government on all matters relating to State Civil Services referred to it under Article 320 (3) of the Constitution.  The requisitions from the Government are received in the form of proposals indicating number of vacancies in a particular post in a department or cadre and the mode of filling up the vacancies.

The mode of filling up the posts is either by direct recruitment inviting applications from the open market or by way of promotion from lower grades which are called feeder grades. The recruitment is strictly governed and guided by Recruitment Rules framed by the Government under Article 309 of the Constitution under the advice from the Commission.

Post : Junior Scientific Officer (Drugs)
Scale of Pay : Rs. 9,300-34,800+4,600/-(pre-revised) (As per revised pay matrix level 7)
Age : Not exceeding 45 years.

Also read: Job for M.Pharm, B.Pharm in Public Service Commission

Educational & Other Qualifications :-
Essential: (i) Graduate in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry of a University established in India by law and has not less than 5 years Post Graduate experience in the testing of drugs in a laboratory under the control of (i) a Government Analyst appointed under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 (Central Act 23 of 1940) (hereinafter called as the “said Act”) or (ii) The head of an Institution or testing laboratory approved for the purpose by the Appointing Authority or (iii) Has completed two years training on testing of Drugs including items stated in Schedule ‘C’ to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 in Central Drugs Laboratory.

(ii) Post Graduate Degree in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry of a University established in India by the law or possesses the Associateship Diploma of the Institution of Chemists (India) obtained by passing the said examination with ‘Analysis of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals’ as one of the subject and has had after obtaining the said Post Graduate Degree or Diploma not less than 3 years experience in the testing of drugs in a laboratory under the control of: –

(i) a Government Analyst appointed under the said Act (ii) the head of an Institution or testing laboratory approved for the purpose by the appointing authority or (iii) has completed two years training on testing of Drugs including items stated in Schedule ‘C’ to the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, in Central Drugs Laboratory. (iii) Knowledge of Konkani.

For more Govt. Jobs, Click here

Desirable : Knowledge of Marathi.
Online applications are invited for the below mentioned posts. The last date for filling up the applications is 27.03.2020. Candidates should carefully read the “Instructions” available on Commission’s website before filling the application online.

EDC House, Block ‘C’, 1st Floor, Dada Vaidya Road,
Panaji-Goa 403001