Antibody Test for Covid-19 on Cards

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) invited bids for antibody kit (serological tests) for the diagnosis of Covid-19

Lab Laboratory
Picture: Pixabay

New Delhi: A blood test that will allow doctors to determine if a person has had coronavirus infection recently based on the presence of antibodies in the blood, is in the offing.

As the number of coronavirus cases continue to rise in the country, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) invited bids for antibody kit (serological tests) for the diagnosis of Covid-19. The ICMR has estimated a tentative requirement of 1 million test kits.

“This test is not specific but research is being done using serological test which can detect presence of viral DNA even before antibodies are present. This could be used on a mass scale in the community as a specific test for Covid-19 at a very affordable price,” Mahajan imaging centre founder Harsh Mahajan said.

According to the ICMR, any manufacturer with an India-based supplier can submit the quotation. It has to be FDA/CE-IVD, ICMR-NIV Pune approved antibody kit (serological test) for the diagnosis of Covid-19. “A serological test is basically a test that looks for antibodies in your blood. It is cheaper, quicker and you can do it at a mass scale,” added Mahajan.

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