Pakistan drugmakers warn against banning API from India

There is a dire need to ensure constant supply of essential medicines to treat coronavirus patients

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Pakistan drugmakers warn against banning API from India

The drug manufacturers in Pakistan have warned against banning raw material from India, saying it will weaken the country’s ability to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

The Pakistan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Association (PPMA) organised a press conference in Karachi where they said that import of raw materials for manufacturing medicines should not be stopped from India or any other country.

Dire need of essential medicines

“At a time when the federal and provincial governments in the country have been in the process of setting up more and more quarantine centres, isolation facilities, and special hospital wards to accommodate Covid-19 cases, there is a dire need to ensure constant supply of essential medicines to treat coronavirus patients,” PPMA senior vice chairman Syed Farooq Bukhari said.

Also read: Pharma industry worry as Four +ve cases found at Cargo zone

The total number of Covid-19 cases in Pakistan rose to 31,684. Out of these, Punjab recorded 11,568 cases, Sindh 12,017, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa 4,875, Balochistan 2,017, Islamabad 679, Gilgit-Baltistan 442 and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir 86 patients.

A total of 28 more people died in the last 24 hours in the country (between Sunday and Monday), taking the tally of Covid-19 deaths in Pakistan to 667. Another 8,212 recovered so far.

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