Demand for vitamin C tablets up, but doctors advise caution

There is a heavy demand for vitamin tablets, especially since Covid-19 cases started rising

Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on May 29, 2022 by The Health Master

BENGALURU: With the coronavirus outbreak, people are stocking up on immunity-boosters and pharmacies have seen a surge in demand for vitamin C tablets and zinc supplements. But doctors advised caution, saying people should not consume these tablets without medical advice, as they could have several side-effects.

A spokesperson from Medlife, an e-pharmacy company, said that during the lockdown, they saw a 200% rise in demand for vitamin C tablets.

“A large number of people are buying vitamin supplements, mostly vitamin C and zinc tablets, to boost their immunity. The demand for vitamin C tablets has tripled over the past two months,” he said.

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A pharmacist from Trust Pharmacy on Lady Curzon Road said, “There is a heavy demand for vitamin tablets, especially since Covid-19 cases started rising.”

“The vitamin C tablet is available over the counter, but we prescribe it to patients only if their vitamin levels are low. It can lead to side-effects like diarrhoea, gastroenteritis and discomfort,” said Dr Jagadeesh Kumar P, a pulmonology consultant, Apollo Hospitals. Dr Neha Mishra, consultant, Infectious Disease, Manipal Hospitals, said, “It acts as an antioxidant and builds immunity but there is no substantial data to prove that it helps prevent Covid-19.”

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