Job for Pharmacists in AMC

Job for Pharmacists in AMC - Walk in Date : 16th June, 2020

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 9, 2024 by The Health Master

Considering the spread of corona virus (Covid-19) in Aurangabad, Aurangabad Municipal Corporation, Helath Department invites applications for post of Pharmacist to handling the outbreak  situation.

Post : Pharmacist
No of posts : 08
Qualification : D.Pharm, B.Pharm
Salary : Rs 17,000/- per months.
Duration : 3 month or until the Corona outbreak ends

Interview Instructions
1) All officers / staff to be recruited under National Urban Health Mission should be selected through direct interview method.
2) Candidates who are eligible for scrutiny should be given admission for interview.
3) Care should be taken to make proper arrangements for the interview.
4) Candidates should be called for interview one by one.

Also read: Job for Pharmacist in Urban Health Center

5) In case of more candidates, at the end of the​​ scrutiny, five candidates for each post should be cut off the marks for the post as per the merit of the final year examination of degree / diploma / GNM -ANM Course / Phamacist /Lab Technician etc
6) Total Marks for Interview are 100
7) Degree / Diploma Pharmacist final year marks should be given maximum 80 marks.  The score table should look like this.
Qualification – 80
Additional Qualification – 5
Experience – 5
Subject Knowledge – 10
Total – 100

For more Govt. Jobs, Click here

Walk in Date : 16th June, 2020
Time : 11:00 am
Venue : Aurangabad Municipal Corporation

More Info>>


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