5 ways to maintain Vit-D levels at home

Vitamin D boosts the ability of the body cells to kill and resist the virus and reduce body inflammation

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Last Updated on January 24, 2024 by The Health Master

​5 ways to maintain Vit-D levels at home

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays various important roles in the body. It is a fat-soluble vitamin, which is naturally present in foods including salmon, tuna, mackerel fish liver oils, cheese and egg yolks.

The sun vitamin is also produced in the body when the UVB (Ultraviolet B) rays from the sunlight fall on the skin and trigger Vitamin D synthesis.

It is imporant because it helps in keeping the bones strong and immunity system up and running.

We all know keeping our immunity strong is of utmost important at present times.

Doctors in the United Kingdom have already recommended patients to take Vitmain D.

According to a report published in The Guardian, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence is conducting a review to see if vitamin D can lower the risk of coronavirus infection.

Vitamin D boosts the ability of the body cells to kill and resist the virus and reduce body inflammation, which is one of the biggest concern in COVID 19 infection.READMORE

Vitamin D deficiency side effects

Almost 70 to 90 per cent of Indians are deficient in Vitamin D, which puts them at risk of weak bones, which can increase the chances of falls and fractures.

Low levels of Vitmain D are also associated with risk of weak immunity, increased risk of cancer, hypertension and diabetes.

Tips to maintain Vitamin D levels at home

A balanced diet and exposure to the sun rays are the best source of maintaining Vitamin D levels. The recommended daily intake of vitamin d is 600 IU/Day.

Here are other ways to maintain your vitmain D levels when you cannot go out:

1. Expose your arms, legs and face for 30 minutes in the sunlight every day between 10 am to 3 pm. You can do so while sitting in your balcony or terrace.

2. Include fatty fish like salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel in your diet. Include egg yolks, milk., orange juice, shitake mushrooms, fortified cereals in your diet.

3. If you don’t like the smell of the fish or don’t eat fish, you can have a teaspoon of cod liver oil every day. One teaspoon of cod liver oil gives you around 56 per cent of your daily require vitmain D levels.

4. Vegans are at high risk of developing the Vitmain D defeciency as they do not consume any animal products. If you are a vegan, you can opt for fortified plant-based milk substitutes like soy milk, almond milk and more.

5. Do not overdo the consumption of Vitamin D as it can cause toxicity that can damage your kidneys, heart and increase your risk of developing kidney stones.

Thus, if you are taking Vitamin D supplements, make sure to take it after consulting your doctor, to know the right amount you need.

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