Kiyou Jochugiku launches ‘Air Doctor’ in India

The Air Doctor is a portable product that helps to prevent viruses, bacteria, and fungus within one metre radius

Kiyou Jochugiku launches ‘Air Doctor’ in India

Last Updated on May 29, 2022 by The Health Master

Japan-based company Kiyou Jochugiku has launched ‘Air Doctor’ in India. The Air Doctor is a portable product that helps to prevent viruses, bacteria, and fungus within one metre radius. The product Air Doctor contains sodium chlorite, natural inorganic substances (natural zeolite) which helps in the prevention of viruses. Air Doctor can be hung on chest, pocket, or bag and it releases antimicrobial agent Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) to provide ultimate protection against airborne diseases such as influensa, cold and flu, allergy, H1N1, pneumonia, tuberculosis, recurrence respiratory infections, etc.

This product is also advisable to patients living with asthma and immunocompromised like hypertension, diabetics, heart disease, cancer patient under chemotherapy, etc. Even children, paediatric and pregnant women can use it. The Air Doctor product is approved worldwide by the WHO, US FDA, Occupation Safety, and Health Administration and The Japan Ministry of Health, Welfare & Labour.

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Jitendra Bhatt, CEO, Access BioImage, Indian Promotor of the Air Doctor says, “At this crucial time, when we are fighting against various diseases and virus this product will be useful to scan the virus within one metre radius after wearing the Air Doctor. The portable product which is like a badge can be used by everyone including educational institutions, healthcare and hospitality industry, private and government offices, policeman, flights, banks, showrooms, restaurants, public transport, aviation, etc. The product can also be placed inside or outside air conditioners to prevent air borne diseases.”

Air Doctor claims that it uses a new generation of virus prevention, sterilisation, and deodorisation techniques. There are three variants:

  • Air Doctor Fan that lasts 90 days and advisable for use in hospitals
  • Air Doctor Mobile which prevents virus and bad odour
  • Air Doctor Mobile portable which effectively kills pathogenic microorganisms such as fungus, bacteria, and viruses, and both the mobile versions last for 30 days.

Bhatt further adds, “It is beneficial for all the citizens working on essential duties and can use the Air Doctor portable to prevent themselves from virus exposure.”

Disclaimer: The product is not accessible to use underwater and exposure to high air should be avoided.

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