Job for Pharmacists in PMC

Recruitment for Pharmacists (25 posts) in PMC - Government Jobs - Walk in Interview Date : 08/07/2020

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 19, 2024 by The Health Master

Applications are invited from experienced candidates for the following temporary posts under the Health Office for a period of 6 months, on contract basis, on a honorarium basis.

Post : Pharmacist
No of posts : 25
Salary : Rs 22,349/- pm
Qualification : Diploma / Degree in Pharmacy from a recognized University / Institute. Registration in Maharashtra Pharmacy council.
Experience :  Experience Candidate Preference. 

1.  Age Limit: The age of the open class candidate should not be more than 38 years on the date of advertisement and the age limit for backward class candidates should be relaxed by 5 years.
2.  The above educational qualifications and experience are required. 
3.  This post is very temporary. 
4.  Appointment for this post will be made by objective assessment method. 
5.  Candidates must be present with original documents of eligibility and experience. 
6.  Candidates are required to submit a passport size photograph and a set of photocopies of the required original documents. 
7.  Candidates are required to attach proof of date of birth or attested copy of school leaving certificate or attested copy of the certificate of passing the examination in schools with date of birth.

Also read: Job for Pharmacy Professionals at NDTL

8.  If the candidate is from backward class, it should be clearly mentioned in which category he is falling. 
9.  If the applicant is a woman, a marriage registration certificate must be attached (Government approved). 
10.  Applications of candidates who do not hold the prescribed qualifications are incomplete or incorrectly filled applications, age, educational qualification marks, caste certificate, experience etc.  Applications with attested true copies (duplicate) of the required certificate in the context will be considered ineligible. 
11.  The selected candidates will be appointed only after 6 months by signing an agreement in the prescribed format. 
12.  Incoming candidates will have to attend at their own cost. 
13.  As the above post is of temporary nature, there will be no right to seek permanent appointment to this post. 

14.  Right to decide the nature of work for the above post Hon.  The head of the department will remain. 
15.  It will be mandatory to serve these posts for 8 hours daily (as per the convenience of the hospital) however the department head will be responsible for fixing the working hours of the posts. 
16.  No correspondence will be given in case of disqualified candidates.
17. All the officers regarding the appointment of the child candidate Hon.  The Municipal Commissioner has reserved it for himself.  No one can make any claim in this regard. 
18.  The number of vacancies is likely to be more / less cloudy.  The applicant will not be able to make any claim in that regard.  All officers regarding changes in the number of posts, parallel reservation, postponement and cancellation of interviews, partial changes. Municipal Commissioner, Pune Municipal Corporation will retain it.  No one can make any claim in this regard. 
19.  If at any stage of the selection the applicant is not found to be eligible, if found to be abusive, if found to be using pressure mechanism the candidature will be automatically canceled. Also, if an appointment is made, his appointment will be terminated without any prior notice.

Walk in Interview
Date : 08/07/2020
Time : 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Venue : Chhatrapati Shivaji Auditorium, Health Department, Main Building, PMC, Congress House Rd, near Mangla Theatre, Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411005.

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