NPPA to appoint agency to provide data on pharma products

NPPA has invited agencies and companies having capacity and proven track record of providing similar data and information.

NPPA National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on January 9, 2024 by The Health Master

The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) will soon appoint an agency to provide data and information on pharmaceutical products in the country overall, and also to provide segment, company, region and state-wise data, and the likes. For the purpose, the national drug price regulator has invited agencies and companies having capacity and proven track record of providing similar data and information.

Companies have been asked to submit their bids against a Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) for providing data and information on pharmaceutical products. The eligible companies should have the capacity and proven track record of providing data and information as per the prescribed scope of work of NPPA.

Submission of bids in response to this NIT shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination with full understanding of its terms, conditions and implications. Interested agencies/ companies who meet the eligibility criteria, may furnish their bids against this NIT, along with all the necessary documents and the covering letter, each page duly signed and stamped by an authorized signatory, in a sealed cover on or before Monday, August 31, 2020.

The bids are to be submitted in hard copy only by hand or by post/courier. Bids submitted by fax/ e-mail, etc., shall not be considered. No further correspondence on the subject will be entertained. NPPA shall not be responsible for delay in delivery of bids or non-receipt/ non-delivery of any of the documents due to any reasons whatsoever.

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Last date for submission of queries for clarifications on e-mail by August 24, 2020. Release of queries and response/clarifications on the website on August 26, 2020 and last date for submission of bids is August 31, 2020. Opening of bids is on September 1, 2020.

The agency shall primarily be required to provide data as follows on specific need basis, data on availability and price may be sought from the agency from time to time. Data on availability (overall/ State-wise/city-wise) on specific formulation(s) and/ or therapeutic group(s) may be asked for.

Data sought will be on pack-wise monthly data of sales units, mat units, monthly sales value, mat sales value units consisting classification (Scheduled/Non Scheduled/Para 19/New drug), Sub group, Brand Name, SKU, Brand & Sub- Group launch date, Therapy, Company Name, Strength and Marketing Company Name, Pack Size, Doses Form , Drug Type, NLEM 15, NLEM 11, GST Rate, Ceiling Price, S.O. Date & S.O. No., MRP, PTR, PTS, % Market Share etc.

It also includes pack-wise monthly data of pharma products consisting of SKU Name, brand and company name, company address classification (Scheduled/ Non- scheduled/Para 19/New drug), Sales Quantity, MRP, PTR & PTS (excluding GST), ceiling price, retail price of new drugs, % market share, GST Rate and marketing company name etc.

Non- scheduled price violation report pack-wise monthly data of pharma products regarding price violation in context of para 20; consisting of SKU Name, brand & company name, company address, sales quantity, MRP and marketing company name etc.

Pack-wise monthly data of pharma products consisting of SKU Name, brand & company name, company address, sales quantity, MRP, PTR & PTS (excluding GST), ceiling price, retail price of new drugs, % market share, GST Rate and marketing company name etc.

Pre-qualification criteria supporting compliance document is that the bidder shall be a firm/company/partnership/proprietorship firm registered in India and must have an office in National Capital Region (NCR) of Delhi. The bidder should be in the business of providing similar services for at least five years as on March 31, 2020.

The bidder should have turnover of Rs. 2 (two) crore in each of the last three financial years and should have not incurred loss in any of the last three consecutive financial years and copies of the balance sheet and profit & loss accounts.

The Agency should be able to provide the services as per the “Scope of Work”. Each Agency shall submit Bids for the work as under- Technical Bid, Financial Bid. Additional value added data/information/ reports as proposed by the agency that can be submitted on monthly/quarterly/yearly basis. The above should be based on the total financial impact of the annual contract for the work, including taxes.

The evaluation committee constituted by NPPA shall evaluate the Bids based on the documents submitted by the agencies. The committee may seek additional document(s) as it deems necessary. The agencies may be asked to make a presentation, if required, to the Selection Committee show-casing their proposals.

The evaluation committee reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. The decision of the evaluation committee in the process of evaluation of the bids shall be final. No correspondence will be entertained outside the evaluation process of the committee. The recommendations of the Evaluation Committee shall be submitted to the competent authority for decision which shall be final.

Queries on the scope of work or any other item of this NIT, if any, may be raised by e-mail to in the prescribed format. After publishing the NIT, all queries shall be received by August 24, 2020. The responses to all the queries from all bidders will be posted online on the website of NPPA by August 26, 2020.

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