Online pharmacies urge Govt to notify e-pharmacy Rules

It is our sincere request that the government notify the final e-pharmacy rules - e-Pharmacies

Online pharmacies urge Govt to notify e-pharmacy Rules

Last Updated on October 2, 2020 by The Health Master

New Delhi: Online pharmacies on Thursday said they have requested the government to notify the final e-pharmacy rules. A vibrant e-pharmacy remains a vital cog in the implementation of the National Digital Health Mission, association of Indian internet pharmacies Digital Health Platforms said in a letter to Prime Minister.

To download draft notification for e-Pharmacy, click here

“It is our sincere request that the government notify the final e-pharmacy rules,” the association added.

Draft e-Pharmacy Rules are in addition to, and not in substitution of, the existing legal framework of the IT act and DC (Drugs and Cosmetics) Act and Rules, which the existing e-pharmacies are fully compliant with, the letter said.

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Therefore, the registration of e-pharmacies under the proposed Draft Rules is over and above the existing relevant Act and Rules, it added.

“A vibrant e-Pharmacy sector continues to be a key element in successfully implementing the National Digital Health Mission, and governmental support and motivation to the sector is critical to enable the continuation of service to the nation,” the letter said.

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