Vitamin D deficiency can lead to obesity: Study

A new study has found that Vitamin D deficiency could disrupt the metabolic balance between fat accumulation and growth

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Last Updated on January 25, 2024 by The Health Master

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient your body needs. From strengthening your bones, and immunity, it’s vital to maintain Vitamin D levels.

We have now one more valid reason to maintain our Vitamin D levels. Its deficiency can lead to obesity. Yes, you read that right.

Of late, there has been a lot of stress on maintaining good vitamin D levels. Recent studies have proved that it can also prevent the severity of COVID-19 infection.

Vitamin D and weight loss: Here’s what we know

Nutritional deficiencies have a big role to play in supporting weight loss. A new study has found that vitamin D deficiency could disrupt the metabolic balance between fat accumulation and growth.

The study, which has been published in the Journal, of Scientific Reports, suggested that there’s a link between Vitamin D levels and metabolic equilibrium.

These people also had higher triglyceride and cholesterol levels, which is a sign of metabolic imbalance and can lead to cardio-metabolic disease.

It was found that vitamin D plays an important role in the ability to channel energy into growth versus into fat storage.

The research looked at the group of post-juvenile zebrafish as one of the three diets-no vitamin D, vitamin D enriched, and control.

To read more about vitamins, click here

The zebrafish spent four more months on their particular diet, and then researchers took a look at their growth, bone density, triglyceride, cholesterol, lipid, and vitamin D levels.

The key metabolic pathways are associated with fat production, storage and mobilization, and growth promotion.

The zebrafish deficient in vitamin D were a smaller group than other groups and had significantly more fat reserves.

After the initial results, the zebrafish deficient in vitamin D were given a vitamin D enriched diet for another six months, to see how the results could be reversed.

While the fish did continue to grow and begin to utilize fat reserves, they never caught up in size with the other cohorts and they retained residual fat deposits.

“This work shows that vitamin D deficiency can influence metabolic health by disrupting the normal balance between growth and fat accumulation,” said the author of the study.

He added, “somehow the energy that should be going toward growth is getting shunted into creating fat and lipids, and this occurrence cannot be easily reversed”.

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