Education Regulations 2020 for D Pharmacy notified: PCI

The council will also hold nationwide workshops on the understanding of the regulations, syllabus and the scheme.

Jan Vishwas Act
Picture: Pixabay
Dr. B Suresh

Last Updated on October 2, 2024 by The Health Master

“The Education Regulations, 2020 for Diploma Course in Pharmacy has been notified on 09-10-2020. These Regulations made under section 10 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948.

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 10 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 (8 of
1948), the Pharmacy Council of India, with the approval of the Central Government, made these regulations.” said Dr. B Suresh, President, Pharmacy Council of India (PCI).

To download the said notification, click here

Message from Dr B Suresh for all the stake holders is as under:

Dear Colleagues,
Education Regulations, 2020 for Diploma Course in Pharmacy has been notified and hence Education Regulations, 1991 will stand withdrawn. As the approvals for the year 2020-21 admissions have already been given on the basis of Education Regulations 1991 they will continue for this year.

The scheme for admissions and approvals from the year 2021-22 and the detailed syllabus will be issued by the PCI in due course of time. This will provide necessary time for institutions and faculty to prepare themselves accordingly.

The council will also hold nationwide workshops on the understanding of the regulations, syllabus and the scheme. 

This is issued in professional interest to avoid any speculation and miscommunication. 

Dr. B Suresh, President, Pharmacy Council of India

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