Govt Job for Pharmacists under CGHS

Last date for receipt of application is 15.12.2020.

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 19, 2024 by The Health Master

Applications are invited from the retirees of State / Central Govt / Defence Serivces / ABI to fillup the vacant posts as per details given below purely on contract basis for a period of 180 days only.

Post : Pharmacist(Allo)

No of posts : 03

Location : Jammu, Shimla

Payable remuneration : Rs. 25500/- or “last pay drawn minus pension fixed , whichever is less

I. Maximum age-limit for appointment of retired staff to the all categories of Pharmacists will be 65 years.
II. The AD may devise his/her own method for engagement of retired sta
III. on contractual basis.

For more Govt. Jobs, Click here

IV. Contractual employee will be eligible for 8 days leave in a calendar year on pro-rata basis. Therefore, the employee shall not draw any remuneration in case of absence beyond 8 days in a calendar year(calculated on pro-rata basis).

V. The contractual staff may be engaged against the vacant post only and in any case, this arrangement (for contractual appointment) will not be extended beyond the period of 180 days
vi. Before engaging retired staff on contract basis, it may be ensured by the AD that the recruitment process for regular Pharmacists has been initiated.

Interested candidates may apply alongwith attested copies of their certificates, age proof, PPO etc. to the Additional Director, CGHS, 4th floor, Kendirya Sadan, Sector 9A, Chandigarh. The Additional Director, CGHS Chandigarh reserve all the rights to terminate the contract at any time without assigning any reasons to cancel the interview etc.

Last date for receipt of application is 15.12.2020.


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