ASPC to appoint a full-time Registrar in Pharmacy Council

Sources from Assam Registered Pharmacists Association (ARPA) said they have wanted the council to appoint an unemployed young pharmacist as the new Registrar

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Last Updated on October 19, 2024 by The Health Master

Following successive resignations of council registrars, the Assam State Pharmacy Council (ASPC) will hold further interviews for selecting another candidate for filling up the post of full-time registrar on January 11.

Scared of C-19, Bhupan Chandra Das, the first Registrar of the Council, had resigned in August last year. Later, the Council appointed Krishna Bhaishya, a regulatory officer, to the post in October, but he also resigned from the post after one month, citing inability to reach the office on time during this period.

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Picture: Unsplash

“Krishna Bhyshia was the last Registrar at the ASPC, but was holding additional charge as he is a senior drug inspector with the drugs control administration. His enthusiasm lost after one month of service. Now we have invited applications and received 22.

The council wants to appoint one experienced and efficient person who knows about office management and provisions of pharmacy act. In addition to the Registrar, we need one clerk also,” said Munindra Chandra Dekha, president of the council.

Sources from Assam Registered Pharmacists Association (ARPA) said they have wanted the council to appoint an unemployed young pharmacist as the new Registrar. The council needs a full-time registrar rather than a government official to hold additional charge of the post.

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Sofiur Rehmankhan, president of ARPA said although the absence of a permanent registrar does not affect the office work at present because of the president who was previously holding the charge of council registrar for six years, continuous absence of permanent registrar will create problems for registration and renewal of certificates.

He said only a full-time officer can manage the office of the pharmacy council as responsibility of the post is very important which cannot be expected from a part-time officer.

An elected council for the ASPC came in 2014, before it, there was the Registration Tribunal. The first president of the council was Anil Kumar Sarma. In 2018, MC Dekha was elected to the post of president. While Dekha was working in the drugs control department, he was given additional charge of the Registrar.

Now after retirement, he became the president. Last year the council built a 4,000 sq ft office building for ASPC and four clerical staff were appointed.

When asked about the long pending issue of unqualified people running medical shops in Assam, MC Dekha said it cannot be controlled until the government appoints sufficient drug inspectors in all districts.

He said even no sample is drawn from medical shops in certain districts and no inspection is held in most of the rural areas due to shortage of regulatory officers.

Also read more news on Pharmacy council, click here

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