NPPA asks for financial bids for management of Govt websites

For NPPA main website with URL:, the agency is supposed to update the software to newer version of NPPA website and its related online services.

NPPA National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on January 8, 2024 by The Health Master

The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) has invited companies registered with National Informatics Centre Services Inc (NICSI) to submit their financial bids against Limited Tender Enquiry (LTE) for management of government websites under Government Financial Rules, 2017 on Central Public Procurement (CPP) Portal.

Online Laptop
Picture: Pixabay

As per the NPPA notice, interested agencies/companies, which meet the eligibility criteria, may furnish their financial bid against this LTE, along with all the necessary documents and the covering letter, each page duly signed and stamped by an authorized signatory, to be uploaded on the CPP of the Government of India ( on or before February 8, 2021.

As per the tender, companies or agencies are supposed to provide annual maintenance and security related services for the websites owned by NPPA under the provisions of General Financial Rules, 2017 issued by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India.

Last date for submission of queries for clarifications on e-mail is is January 29, 2021. Reply of queries and response/ clarifications on individual basis is February 3, 2021.

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NPPA owns and maintains a main website In addition, NPPA also maintains the following associated websites:

The agency/company shall primarily be required to provide following services for the websites mentioned:


For NPPA main website with URL:, the agency is supposed to update the software to newer version of NPPA website and its related online services.

The agency will also help in resolving vulnerable issues in time bound manner and update contents in the website in the existing structure on day to day basis.

Contents on the website should be updated and OM/Orders/Notifications to be uploaded on the website as per the requirements from time to time.

There is a need for the backup to be taken for the data base of all online services hosted by NPPA and files on monthly basis.

The agency is supposed to ensure that website need to be maintained as per the guidelines of National Information Center (NIC) and also advice NPPA on issues concerning security, maintenance and updation of NPPA websites.

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