Powdered Plasma to be developed: Hyderabad

Powdered plasma, which is a first of its kind initiative by any hospital in the country.

Lab Laboratory Blood
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on January 31, 2021 by The Health Master

The Hyderabad-based ESI Corporation Hospital has partnered with Plasmakart, a private firm, to develop powdered plasma, which is a first of its kind initiative by any hospital in the country.

With an aim to overcoming the hurdles involved in the storage of collected plasma from donors at extreme low temperatures, the ESIC Hospital has partnered with Plasmakart to produce India’s first lyophililised (powdered) plasma.

According to Dr Madhumohan Rao, a faculty from ESIC Medical College and head of R&D at Nizam’s Institute of Medical College, the lyophilized plasma is concentrated form of antibodies. This is very rich in antibodies and provides quick immunity to those who may require it.

“In fact earlier to carry out the convalescent plasma therapy to treat patients infected with C-19 disease, we used to collect plasma from the donors and store it at extreme temperatures to make sure it does not lose its antibody strength.

However it is very costly to provide such storage facility at all places. In view of this we have decided to develop lyophilized plasma which is a powered form of plasma having highest concentration of antibodies.

The powdered plasma is rich in antibodies and provides quick immunity to the patients,” said Dr. Rao.

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It is also learnt that the powdered plasma can be easily reconstituted using saline liquid and administered to C-19 patients who might benefit from an infusion of convalescent plasma.

“The powdered plasma does not require any special storage facility. It can be made readily available and has the additional benefit of prolonged storage of up to three to five years without its quality being compromised,” informed Dr. Ravi, Head of Plasmakart.

As there is a great demand for the plasma and it is difficult for donors to go from one place to another, the ESIC Hospital’s initiative is being welcomed as it is very much helpful to transport the powdered plasma from one place to other without having it to be stored under extreme cool temperatures.

It is understood that the process of converting the liquid plasma into powered can be done without damaging the content in the liquid plasma.

The expert say that as it is going to take more than a year to immunize the people using vaccine, meanwhile the plasma therapy can be used to protect the people and now with ESIC Hospital’s initiative, the cost of plasma therapy will also come down drastically.

The ESIC hospital authorities along with the Plasmakart had taken all the necessary approvals and had gone for the manufacture of powder plasma after they got the nod from the ethical committee of medical college.

However, they are yet to get the approval for clinical trials from the Indian Council of Medical research. Once they get the nod from ICMR, they will bring the clinical trials of powdered plasma to test its safety, efficacy and durability.

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