Lung exercise: The right way to use a Spirometer

Breathing exercises can increase lung capacity and help you breathe better.

Lung exercise: The right way to use a Spirometer

Last Updated on May 8, 2023 by The Health Master

Lung exercise: The right way to use a Spirometer

Why you should use spirometer

The infectious C-19 attacks the upper respiratory system, damaging the tissue and making it difficult to breathe. That’s why to minimise the damage and to strengthen your lungs pre and post-infection, it is crucial to perform some lung exercises.

Breathing exercises can increase lung capacity and help you breathe better. Using a spirometer is one of the easiest ways to work on your respiratory organs.

Health Yoga
Picture: Pixabay

What is a spirometer?

An incentive spirometer is a handheld device that helps your lungs recover after a surgery or lung illness. Breathing in and out using an incentive spirometer can help to keep your lungs active and free of fluid.

When you perform breathing exercises using a spirometer, the balls or the piston present inside the device rise and measure the volume of your breath.

This device is beneficial for those recovering from respiratory disorders like pneumonia, bronchitis, or C-19. Do not use the device in front of others in case of active infection.

The right way to use a spirometer

A spirometer can be used both for breathing in as well as breathing out. Hold the spirometer straight for breathing in and to breathe out turn it upside down.

Step 1: Sit down comfortably on a chair or at the edge of your bed.

Step 2: Hold your spirometer straight at eye level.

Step 3: Put the mouthpiece in your mouth and close your lips tightly around it to create a seal.

Step 4: Slowly breathe in through your mouth as much as possible to raise the balls. Try to take the balls as high as you can. Do this 5 times.

Step 5: Now turn the spirometer upside down and exhale in the mouthpiece to raise the balls again.

Try to get the piston to the same level with each breath. Take rest after 10 breaths to avoid breathlessness.

If you feel lightheaded or dizzy while using a spirometer, stop the exercise and rest. Do not do more than 10-12 repetitions as it can lead to breathlessness. Below are some common mistakes people make while using a spirometer.

Not relaxing before using the spirometer

Try to relax and stabilize your breathing before using a spirometer. If you already feel uncomfortable or are out of breath, using a spirometer can make your condition worse. Also, you won’t be able to perform the exercise correctly.

​Holding breath

To reap maximum benefit from a spirometer, breathe in and out to your full capacity. Closing the vocal cords and holding the breath while using a spirometer can give you incorrect results and you will not gain from your exercise session. Just relax and push your limit as much as you can.

Not sitting correctly

Sitting erect with your back straight is important while using a spirometer. Our lungs are made up of soft delicate tissues. When you sit incorrectly, your lungs find it hard to breathe to its capacity. For that, you need to keep your shoulders straight and spine erect.

Using the spirometer incorrectly

Most people think that a spirometer is only used for breathing out. However, it can be used for both- inhaling and exhaling. Hold straight to exhale and then turn it upside down to inhale.

Oxygen level by Age

ConditionsBy AgeSpO2
NormalAdults & Children95% to 100%
Normal>70 years oldabout 95%
Brain is affectedAdults & Children80% to 85%
CyanosisAdults & ChildrenBelow 67%

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