You need to know to protect your Joints: Must read

Icing twice for 10 minutes every day is advised. Ultrasonic therapy in low dosages decreases swelling.

Back pain Health
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on May 10, 2023 by The Health Master

The commonest cause of Tenosynovitis is overuse of joints or pressure put on them. It generally occurs in the wrist, below the knee, or the toes. In the wrist, it is caused when the keyboard is used for long hours. It can also be caused if you knit a lot or write for long periods, not to mention, by using scissors excessively.

Change of grip in sports can also lead to it. It can occur below the knee due to sudden and fast walking or when toes come under pressure from wearing tight shoes. This creates sharp pain in the area, spreading in the line of the tendon, causing redness and swelling.

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Resting for two-three weeks can help a great deal. You can apply a splint, which is a rigid or flexible device that helps a displaced part stay in position. The strapping method can also help. This again is an effective technique, wherein the tendon finger and thumb stabilise.

Icing twice for 10 minutes every day is advised. Ultrasonic therapy in low dosages decreases swelling.

To prevent Tenosynovitis, take rest while using a keyboard. Stretch your small joints. Do not use scissors for more than 15 minutes at a stretch. Change shoes that put pressure on the feet

Dr Krishan Mohan Singh
Consultant Physiotherapist and Ergonomist

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