Latest on National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA)

Download Latest on National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA)

NPPA National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority
Picture: Pixabay
Rakesh Dahiya

Last Updated on December 14, 2024 by The Health Master

Download Latest on National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA)

National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) was constituted by a Government of India resolution dated August 29, 1997 as an attached office of the Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP), Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, as an independent regulator for the pricing of drugs and to ensure the availability and accessibility of medicines at affordable prices.

It has been entrusted inter-alia, with the following functions:

  1. To implement and enforce the provisions of the Drugs Price Control Order (DPCO), 1995/2013  in accordance with the powers delegated to it.
  2. To undertake and/or sponsor relevant studies in respect of pricing of drugs/formulations.
  3. To monitor the availability of drugs, identify shortages, if any, and to take remedial steps.
  4. To collect/maintain data on production, exports and imports, market share of individual companies, profitability of companies etc. for bulk drugs and formulations.
  5. To deal with all legal matters arising out of the decisions of the Authority.
  6. To render advice to the Central Government on changes/revisions in the drug policy.
  7. To render assistance to the Central Government in the parliamentary matters relating to the drug pricing.

Drugs Prices Control Order, 2013
(DPCO 2013)


The Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, notified the Drug (Prices Control) Order 2013 (DPCO 2013) in May 2013, which may fluctuate the pricing of 348 essential drugs. Prior to the 2013 regime, the DPCO 1995 included 74 bulk drugs within its ambit and the pricing of the drugs were fixed on the basis of manufacturing costs declared by the drug manufacturers.

The DPCO 2013 empowers the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) to regulate prices of 348 essential drugs. As per the DPCO 2013, all strengths and dosages specified in the National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) will be under price control.

Para 2(i) of the DPCO 2013 defines the term “Formulation” as a medicine processed out of or containing one or more drugs with or without use of any pharmaceutical aids, for internal or external use for or in the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation or prevention of disease and, but shall not include –

  • i. any medicine included in any bonafide Ayurvedic (including Sidha) or Unani (Tibb) systems of medicines;
  • ii. any medicine included in the Homeopathic system of medicine; and
  • iii. any substance to which the provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940) do not apply;

As per the DPCO 2013, “Scheduled formulation” means any formulation, included in the First Schedule whether referred to by generic versions or brand name. “Non scheduled formulation” has been defined as a formulation, the dosage and strengths of which are not specified in the First Schedule.

Schedule” is the Schedule appended to the DPCO 2013.

Pricing of Scheduled Formulations:

Para 4 of the DPCO 2013 provides formula for the calculation of ceiling price of a scheduled formulation as follows –

Step1. First the Average Price to Retailer of the scheduled formulation i.e. P(s) shall be calculated as below:

Average price to retailer P(S) = (Sum of prices to retailer of all the brands and generic versions of the medicine having market share more than or equal to one percent of the total market turnover on the basis of moving annual turnover of that medicine) / (Total number of such brands and generic versions of the medicine having market share more than or equal to one percent of total market turnover on the basis of moving annual turnover for that medicine.)

Step2. Thereafter, the ceiling price of the scheduled formulation i.e. P(c) shall be calculated as below:

P(c) = P(s). (1+M/100), where P(s) = Average Price to Retailer for the same strength and dosage of the medicine as calculated in step1 above. M = % Margin to retailer and its value =16

Calculation of Ceiling Prices of following has also been provided in the DPCO 2013.

  • a. Ceiling price of a scheduled formulation in case of no reduction in price due to absence of competition
  • b. Calculation of Retail price of a new drug for existing manufacturers of scheduled formulations.

Pricing of Non-Scheduled Formulations:

Apart from the price fixation of the Scheduled Formulations, the NPPA is also empowered to monitor the maximum retail prices (MRP) of all the drugs, including the non-scheduled formulations and ensure that no manufacturer increases the maximum retail price of a drug more than ten percent of maximum retail price during preceding twelve months and where the increase is beyond ten percent of maximum retail price, it is empowered to reduce the same to the level of ten percent of maximum retail price for next 12 months. The manufacturer shall be liable to deposit the overcharged amount along with interest thereon from the date of increase in price in addition to the penalty.

Display of prices of Scheduled & Non-Scheduled formulations and price list:

Para 24 and 25 of the DPCO 2013 mandate that every manufacturer of a Scheduled & non-Scheduled formulation intended for sale shall display in indelible print mark, on the label of container of the formulation and the minimum pack thereof offered for retail sale, the maximum retail price of that formulation with the words “Maximum Retail Price” preceding it and the words ‘inclusive of all taxes’ succeeding it. Para 26 lays down that no person shall sell any formulation to any consumer at a price exceeding the price specified in the current price list or price indicated on the label of the container or pack thereof, whichever is less.

Recovery of overcharged amount under DPCO 1987 & 1995:

Para 23 states that notwithstanding anything contained in the order, the Government shall by notice, require the manufacturers, importer or distributor or as the case may be, to deposit the amount accrued due to charging of prices higher than those fixed or notified by the Government under the provisions of Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1987 and Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995 under the provisions of this Order.

Margin of retailer & maximum retail price:

Para 7 lays down that while fixing a ceiling price of scheduled formulations and retail prices of new drugs, sixteen percent of price to retailer as a margin to retailer shall be allowed. Para 8 specifies that the maximum retail price of scheduled formulations shall be fixed by the manufacturers on the basis of ceiling price notified by the Government plus local taxes wherever applicable. Even the loose quantities of any formulation shall not be sold at a price which is in excess of pro-rata price of the formulation.

Click for latest notification of NPPA / DPCO

DPCO order

Drugs (Price Control) Amendment Order 2019


Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (DPCO)


Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 1995 (DPCO)


Drugs (Price Control) Order 1979 (DPCO)


DPCO – Schedule-I

Click below link

Schedule-1 amendment S.O.-508E-dt-01-02-2021-Amendment-in-Schedule-I-of-the-DPCO-2013

Schedule-I – S.O.-701E-dt-10-03-2016-Drugs-Price-Control-Amendment-Order-2016-Regarding-Schedule-I-Drugs-and-doage-form

Price List

Updated price list

NPPA Updated Price List as on 14-10-2024

NPPA Updated Price List as on 14-10-2024

NPPA updated price list as on 28-06-2023

NPPA updated price list as on 28-06-2023

NPPA updated notified ceiling prices under DPCO, 2013 (updated as on 10.8.2022)


Price list year wise


S.O 4498 dt 14-10-2024 Revision of Ceiling Prices of 11 Scheduled formulations under Para 19 of DPCO, 2013 based on the decision of 127th Authority meeting dated 08.10.2024_organized (1)

S.O 4498 dt 14-10-2024 Revision of Ceiling Prices of 11 Scheduled formulations under Para 19 of DPCO, 2013 based on the decision of 127th Authority meeting dated 08.10.2024_organized (1)

S.O. 4497 dt 14-10-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 20 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 127th Authority meeting dated 08.10.2024

S.O. 4497 dt 14-10-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 20 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 127th Authority meeting dated 08.10.2024

S.O. 3869(E) dt 10-09-2024 Notification on ceiling price of Knee Implants based on the decision of 126th Authority meeting dated 09.09.2024

S.O. 3869(E) dt 10-09-2024 Notification on ceiling price of Knee Implants based on the decision of 126th Authority meeting dated 09.09.2024

S.O. 3868(E) dt 10-09-2024 NPPA has revised Ceiling price of 1 scheduled formulation under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on review order (126th Authority meeting dated 09.09.2024)

S.O. 3868(E) dt 10-09-2024 NPPA has revised Ceiling price of 1 scheduled formulation under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on review order (126th Authority meeting dated 09.09.2024)

S.O. 3867(E) dt 10-09-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 62 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order 2013 based on the decision of 126th Authority meeting dated 09.09.2024

S.O. 3867(E) dt 10-09-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 62 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order 2013 based on the decision of 126th Authority meeting dated 09.09.2024

S.O. 3216(E) dt 08-08-2024 Revised ceiling prices of 4 scheduled formulation under Drug (Price Control) Order,2013 (NLEM, 2022) based on review orders

S.O. 3216(E) dt 08-08-2024 Revised ceiling prices of 4 scheduled formulation under Drug (Price Control) Order,2013 (NLEM, 2022) based on review orders

S.O. 3171(E) dt 06-08-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 12 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 125th Authority meeting dated 25.07.2024

S.O. 3171(E) dt 06-08-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 12 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 125th Authority meeting dated 25.07.2024

S.O. 3170(E) dt 06-08-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 12 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 125th Authority meeting dated 25.07.2024

S.O. 3170(E) dt 06-08-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 12 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 125th Authority meeting dated 25.07.2024

S.O. 3169(E) dt 06-08-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 58 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 125th Authority meeting dated 25.07.2024

S.O. 3169(E) dt 06-08-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 58 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 125th Authority meeting dated 25.07.2024

S.O. 2285(E) dt 14-06-2024 Fixation of Retail prices of 5 formulations approved in 124 Authority meeting

S.O. 2285(E) dt 14-06-2024 Fixation of Retail prices of 5 formulations approved in 124 Authority meeting

S.O. 2284(E) dt 14-06-2024 Fixation of Retail prices of 49 formulations approved in 124 Authority meeting

S.O. 2284(E) dt 14-06-2024 Fixation of Retail prices of 49 formulations approved in 124 Authority meeting

S.O. 1993(E) dt 15-05-2024 NPPA has revised Ceiling price of 1 scheduled formulation under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on review order based on the decision of 123rd Authority meeting dated 10.05.2024.

S.O. 1993(E) dt 15-05-2024 NPPA has revised Ceiling price of 1 scheduled formulation under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on review order based on the decision of 123rd Authority meeting dated 10.05.2024.

S.O. 1992(E) dt 15-05-2024 NPPA has revised Ceiling price of 06 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 123rd Authority meeting dated 10.05.2024.

S.O. 1992(E) dt 15-05-2024 NPPA has revised Ceiling price of 06 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 123rd Authority meeting dated 10.05.2024.

S.O. 1991(E) dt 15-05-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 04 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 123rd Authority meeting dated 10.05.2024.

S.O. 1991(E) dt 15-05-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 04 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 123rd Authority meeting dated 10.05.2024.

S.O. 1990(E) dt 15-05-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 37 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 123rd Authority meeting dated 10.05.2024.

S.O. 1990(E) dt 15-05-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 37 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 123rd Authority meeting dated 10.05.2024.

S.O. 1559(E) dt 26-03-2024 Fixation of prices of 3 Formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1559(E) dt 26-03-2024 Fixation of prices of 3 Formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1558(E) dt 26-03-2024 Fixation of prices of 62 Formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1558(E) dt 26-03-2024 Fixation of prices of 62 Formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1557(E) dt 26-03-2024 Revision of prices of 1 Scheduled Formulation and 6 manufacturers specific formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1557(E) dt 26-03-2024 Revision of prices of 1 Scheduled Formulation and 6 manufacturers specific formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1556(E) dt 26-03-2024 Revision of prices of 1 Scheduled Formulation and 5 manufacturers specific formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1556(E) dt 26-03-2024 Revision of prices of 1 Scheduled Formulation and 5 manufacturers specific formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1555(E) dt 26-03-2024 Revision of prices of 1 Scheduled Formulation and 6 manufacturers specific formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1555(E) dt 26-03-2024 Revision of prices of 1 Scheduled Formulation and 6 manufacturers specific formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1554(E) dt 26-03-2024 Revision of prices of 2 Scheduled Formulations and 1 manufacturer specific formulation approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1554(E) dt 26-03-2024 Revision of prices of 2 Scheduled Formulations and 1 manufacturer specific formulation approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1553(E) dt 26-03-2024 Revision of prices of 4 Scheduled Formulations and 19 manufacturers specific formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1553(E) dt 26-03-2024 Revision of prices of 4 Scheduled Formulations and 19 manufacturers specific formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1552(E) dt 26-03-2024 Revision of prices of 8 Scheduled Formulations and 26 manufacturers specific formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1552(E) dt 26-03-2024 Revision of prices of 8 Scheduled Formulations and 26 manufacturers specific formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1551(E) dt 26-03-2024 Revision of prices of 2 Stents approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1551(E) dt 26-03-2024 Revision of prices of 2 Stents approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1550(E) dt 26-03-2024 Fixation and Revision of prices of 3 Scheduled Formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1550(E) dt 26-03-2024 Fixation and Revision of prices of 3 Scheduled Formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1549(E) dt 26-03-2024 Fixation of prices of 6 Scheduled Formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1549(E) dt 26-03-2024 Fixation of prices of 6 Scheduled Formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1548(E) dt 26-03-2024 Fixation of prices of 169 Scheduled Formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1548(E) dt 26-03-2024 Fixation of prices of 169 Scheduled Formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1547(E) dt 26-03-2024 Fixation of prices of 726 Scheduled Formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 1547(E) dt 26-03-2024 Fixation of prices of 726 Scheduled Formulations approved in 122 Authority meeting

S.O. 939(E) dt 28-02-2024 NPPA has fixed Ceiling price of 6 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 121st Authority meeting dated 20.02.2024

S.O. 939(E) dt 28-02-2024 NPPA has fixed Ceiling price of 6 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 121st Authority meeting dated 20.02.2024

S.O. 938(E) dt 28-02-2024 NPPA has revised Ceiling price of 25 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 121st Authority meeting dated 20.02.2024

S.O. 938(E) dt 28-02-2024 NPPA has revised Ceiling price of 25 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 121st Authority meeting dated 20.02.2024

S.O. 937(E) dt 28-02-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 69 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 121st Authority meeting dated 20.02.2024

S.O. 937(E) dt 28-02-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 69 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 121st Authority meeting dated 20.02.2024

S.O. 423(E) dt 02-02-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 39 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 120th Authority meeting dated 24.01.2024

S.O. 423(E) dt 02-02-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 39 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 120th Authority meeting dated 24.01.2024

S.O. 15(E) dt 01-01-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 19 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 119th Authority meeting dated 15.12.2023.

S.O. 15(E) dt 01-01-2024 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 19 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 119th Authority meeting dated 15.12.2023.


S.O. 4886(E) Dt 10-11-2023 NPPA Revised Ceiling price of 09 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 118th Authority meeting dated 08.11.2023

S.O. 4886(E) Dt 10-11-2023 NPPA Revised Ceiling price of 09 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 118th Authority meeting dated 08.11.2023

S.O. 4885(E) dt 10-11-2023 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 33 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 118th Authority meeting dated 08.11.2023

S.O. 4885(E) dt 10-11-2023 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 33 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 118th Authority meeting dated 08.11.2023

S.O. 4660(E) dt 25-10-2023 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 29 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 117th Authority meeting dated 13.10.2023.

S.O. 4660(E) dt 25-10-2023 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 29 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 117th Authority meeting dated 13.10.2023.

NPPA OM 10-10-2023 Clarification regarding increase in the price of Orthopedic Knee Implants w.r.t Notification No. S.O.4078(E) dated 15th September 2023

NPPA OM 10-10-2023 Clarification regarding increase in the price of Orthopedic Knee Implants w.r.t Notification No. S.O.4078(E) dated 15th September 2023

S.O. 1581(E) dt 31-03-2023 NPPA has fixed and revised ceiling price of 01 scheduled formulations (Disposable Pen containing Insulin Glargine) under DPCO 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 111th Authority meeting dt 29.03.2023

S.O. 1581(E) dt 31-03-2023 NPPA has fixed and revised ceiling price of 01 scheduled formulations (Disposable Pen containing Insulin Glargine) under DPCO 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 111th Authority meeting dt 29.03.2023

S.O. 1580(E) dt 31-03-2023 NPPA has fixed and revised ceiling price of 03 scheduled formulations (Oxygen & Nitrous Oxide) under DPCO 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 111th Authority meeting dated 29.03.2023.

S.O. 1580(E) dt 31-03-2023 NPPA has fixed and revised ceiling price of 03 scheduled formulations (Oxygen & Nitrous Oxide) under DPCO 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 111th Authority meeting dated 29.03.2023.

S.O. 1579(E) dt 31-03-2023 NPPA has fixed and revised ceiling price of 27 scheduled formulations under Para 19 of Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 111th Authority meeting dated 29.03.2023.

S.O. 1579(E) dt 31-03-2023 NPPA has fixed and revised ceiling price of 27 scheduled formulations under Para 19 of Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 111th Authority meeting dated 29.03.2023.

S.O. 1578(E) dt 31-03-2023 NPPA has fixed and revised ceiling price of 15 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 111th Authority meeting dated 29.03.2023.

S.O. 1578(E) dt 31-03-2023 NPPA has fixed and revised ceiling price of 15 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 111th Authority meeting dated 29.03.2023.

S.O. 1577(E) dt 31-03-2023 NPPA has fixed and revised ceiling price of 127 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 111th Authority meeting dated 29.03.2023.

S.O. 1577(E) dt 31-03-2023 NPPA has fixed and revised ceiling price of 127 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 111th Authority meeting dated 29.03.2023.

S.O. 1434(E) dt 27-03-2023 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 25 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 110th Authority meeting dated 23.03.2023.


S.O. 881(E) dt 24-02-2023 NPPA has fixed Revised retail price of 1 formulation under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 109th Authority meeting dated 21.02.2023


S.O. 880(E) dt 24-02-2023 NPPA has fixed Ceiling price of 1 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 109th Authority meeting dated 21.02.2023


S.O. 879(E) dt 24-02-2023 NPPA has revised Ceiling price of 80 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 109th Authority meeting dated 21.02.2023


S.O. 878(E) dt 24-02-2023 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 74 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 109th Authority meeting dated 21.02.2023


S.O. 487(E) dt 02-02-2023 Special prices of Mannitol Injection 20% in 100ml pack having special features under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 108th Authority meeting dated 27.01.2023.

S.O. 487(E) dt 02-02-2023 Special prices of Mannitol Injection 20% in 100ml pack having special features under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 108th Authority meeting dated 27.01.2023.

S.O. 486(E) dt 02-02-2023 Special prices of Metronidazole Injection IP in 100ml pack having special features under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 108th Authority meeting dated 27.01.2023

S.O. 486(E) dt 02-02-2023 Special prices of Metronidazole Injection IP in 100ml pack having special features under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 108th Authority meeting dated 27.01.2023

S.O. 485(E) dt 02-02-2023 NPPA has fixed Ceiling price of 01 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 108th Authority meeting dated 27.01.2023

S.O. 485(E) dt 02-02-2023 NPPA has fixed Ceiling price of 01 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 108th Authority meeting dated 27.01.2023

S.O. 484(E) dt 02-01-2023 NPPA has revised Ceiling price of 53 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 108th Authority meeting dated 27.01.2023

S.O. 484(E) dt 02-01-2023 NPPA has revised Ceiling price of 53 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 108th Authority meeting dated 27.01.2023

S.O. 483(E) dt 02-02-2023 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 18 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 108th Authority meeting dated 27-01-2023


S.O. 195(E) dt 11-01-2023 NPPA has fixed Ceiling price of 17 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 107th Authority meeting dated 11.01.2023


S.O. 194(E) dt 11-01-2023 NPPA has revised Ceiling price of 111 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 107th Authority meeting dated 11.01.2023


S.O. 193(E) dt 11-01-2023 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 12 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 107th Authority meeting dated 11.01.2023


S.O. 183(E) dt 11-01-2023 Corrigendum to S. O. 87(E) dated 06.01.2023 based on the decision of 106th Authority meeting dated 30.12.2022


S.O. 89(E) dt 06-01-2023 Corrigendum to S. O. 5938(E) dated 19.12.2022 based on the decision of 106th Authority meeting dated 30.12.2022


S.O. 88(E) dt 06-01-2023 NPPA has fixed Ceiling price of 04 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 106th Authority meeting dated 30.12.2022


S.O. 87(E) dt 06-01-2023 NPPA has revised Ceiling price of 93 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 106th Authority meeting dated 30.12.2022


S.O. 86(E) dt 06-01-2023 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 36 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 106th Authority meeting dated 30.12.2022


NPPA OM dt 03-01-2023 Fixation of Ceiling Prices for Scheduled formulations under Revised Schedule I (NLEM 2022) of DPCO 2013 notified vide S.O. No. 5249 (E) dated 11.11.2022



NPPA OM dt 30-12-2022 Extension of last date for filing statutory forms prescribed under DPCO, 2013


NPPA Order S.O. 6177(E) dt 30-12-2022 Extension of notification relating to Trade Margin Rationalization of Oxygen Concentrator under DPCO 2013 based on the decision of 106th Authority meeting dated 30.12.2022


NPPA Order S.O. 6176(E) dt 30-12-2022 Extension of notification relating to Trade Margin Rationalization of 5 medical devices under DPCO 2013 based on the decision of 106th Authority meeting dated 30.12.2022


NPPA order S.O. 6175(E) 30-12-2022 Extension of revised price of Liquid Medical Oxygen (LMO) and Oxygen Inhalation (Medicinal Gas) in cylinder under DPCO 2013 based on the decision of 106th Authority meeting dated 30.12.2022


NPPA OM dt 29-12-2022 For manufacturers and marketing companies – Implementation of prices fixed and notified under the provisions of DPCO, 2013


NPPA OM dt 28-12-2022 Fixation of ceiling Prices for Scheduled formulations (Oxygen and Nitrous Oxide for medicinal use) under Revised Schedule I (NLEM 2022) of DPCO 2013 notified vide S.O. No. 5249 (E) dated 11.11.2022


S.O. 5939(E) dt 19-12-2022 NPPA has fixed the Ceiling price of 12 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 105th Authority meeting dated 15.12.2022


S.O. 5938(E) dt 19-12-2022 NPPA has revised the Ceiling price of 107 scheduled formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (NLEM 2022) based on the decision of 105th Authority meeting dated 15.12.2022


S.O. 5937(E) dt 19-12-2022 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 10 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of the 105th Authority meeting dated 15.12.2022


S.O. 5511 (E) dt 28-11-2022 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 01 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 104th Authority meeting dated 23.11.2022


S.O. 5388(E) dt 18-11-2022 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 40 formulations under DPCO 2013 based on the decision of the 103rd Authority meeting dated 10.11.2022.


S.O. 4595(E) dt 29-09-2022 Extension Revised ceiling price of Dextrose Injection in 100ml pack having special features under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 102nd Authority meeting dated 27.09.2022.


S.O. 4594(E) dt 29-09-2022 Extension Revised ceiling price of Mannitol Injection 20% in 100ml pack having special features under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 102nd Authority meeting dated 27.09.2022.


S.O. 4593(E) dt 29-09-2022 Extension Revised ceiling price of Metronidazole Injection IP in 100ml pack having special features under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 102nd Authority meeting dated 27.09.2022.


S.O. 4592(E) dt 29-09-2022 Extension of revised ceiling price of Ringer Lactate Injection having special features under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 102nd Authority meeting dated 27.09.2022.


S.O. 4591(E) dt 29-09-2022 Extension of revised ceiling price of IV Fluid Injection having special features under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 102nd Authority meeting dated 27.09.2022.


S.O. 4590(E) dt 29-09-2022 Extension of revised price of Liquid Medical Oxygen (LMO) and Oxygen Inhalation (Medicinal Gas) in cylinder under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of Authority meeting dated 27


S.O. 4589(E) dt 29-09-2022 Extension of revised ceiling price of Heparin Injection under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 102nd Authority meeting dated 27.09.2022.


S.O. 4588(E) dt 29-09-2022 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 40 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 102nd Authority meeting dated 27.09.2022


S.O. 4343(E) dt 15-09-2022 Notification regarding extension of Knee implants under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013.


S.O. 4342(E) dt 15-09-2022 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 1 formulation under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 (WPA) based on the decision of 101st Authority meeting dated 07.09.2022.


S.O. 4341(E) dt 15-09-2022 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 36 formulations under the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of the 101st Authority meeting dated 07.09.2022.


OM dated 25.08.2022 relating to fixation of Ceiling Price of Sodium Chloride 0.45% Injection.


S.O. 4002(E) dt 24-08-2022 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 45 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 100th Authority meeting dated 05.08.2022.


S.O. dt 29-07-2022 Notification regarding extension of capping of trade margin of 5 Medical Devices


S.O. 2983(E) dt 30-06-2022 Notification regarding extension of price regulation on Oxygen Concentrator


S.O. 2982(E) dt 30-06-2022 Notification regarding extension of price regulation on LMO and Oxygen Inhalation


S.O. 2981(E) dt 30-06-2022 NPPA has fixed the retail prices of 84 new drugs based on the decision taken in 99th Authority meeting dated 28.06.2022


S.O. 2465(E) dt 30-05-2022 Notification regarding extension of TMR notification on Oxygen Concentrators


S.O. 2166 (E) DT 09-05-2022 NPPA has revised retail price of 1 formulation under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on review order.


S.O. 2165(E) Dt 09-05-2022 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 18 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 the price of which were applied earlier in the 96th Authority meeting dated 24.03.2022.


S.O. 2164(E) Dt 09-04-2022 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 66 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 97th Authority meeting dated 06.05.2022.


S.O. 1833(E) dt 18-04-2022 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 15 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 96th Authority meeting dated 24.03.2022


S.O. 1782(E) dt 12-04-2022 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 23 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 96th Authority meeting dated 24.03.2022


S.O. 1508(E) dt 30-03-2022 NPPA has fixed ceiling prices of Liquid Medical Oxygen, Medical Inhalation under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013


S.O. 1507(E) dt 30-03-2022 NPPA has fixed ceiling prices of Heparin Injection under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013


S.O. 1506(E) dt 30-03-2022 NPPA has fixed ceiling prices of Dextrose under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013


S.O. 1505(E) dt 30-03-2022 NPPA has fixed ceiling prices of Mannitol under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013


S.O. 1504(E) dt 30-03-2022 NPPA has fixed ceiling prices of Metronidazole under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013


S.O. 1503(E) dt 30-03-2022 NPPA has fixed ceiling prices of 9 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013


S.O. 1502(E) dt 30-03-2022 NPPA has fixed ceiling prices of 2 Coronary stents under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013


S.O. 1501(E) dt 30-03-2022 NPPA has fixed ceiling prices of 4 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013


S.O. 1500(E) dt 30-03-2022 NPPA has fixed ceiling prices of 8 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013


S.O. 1499(E) dt 30-03-2022 NPPA has fixed ceiling prices of 872 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013


OM. dt 25-03-2022 Movement in Wholesale Price Index (WPI) for the preceding calendar year 2021


S.O. 796(E) dt 18-02-2022 NPPA has fixed ceiling prices of 19 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013

S.O. 401(E) dt 31-01-2022 Extension of Trade Margin Rationalization on 5 Medical Devices, namely, Pulse Oximeter, Blood Pressure Monitoring Machine, Nebulizer, Digital Thermometer, and Glucometer

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S.O. 5428(E) dt 28-12-2021 Extension Revised ceiling price of Dextrose Injection in 100ml pack under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 94th Authority meeting dated 23.12.2021.

S.O. 5427(E) dt 28-12-2021 Extension Revised ceiling price of Mannitol Injection in 100ml pack under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 94th Authority meeting dated 23.12.2021.

S.O. 5426(E) dt 28-12-2021 Extension Revised ceiling price of Metronidazole Injection IP in 100ml pack under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 94th Authority meeting dated 23.12.2021.

S.O. 5425(E) dt 28-12-2021 NPPA has fixed ceiling prices of 2 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 94th Authority meeting dated 23.12.2021.

S.O. 5424(E) dt 28-12-2021 Extension of price of Liquid Medical Oxygen (LMO) and Oxygen Inhalation (Medicinal Gas) in cylinder under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 94th Authority meeting dated 23.12.2021.

S.O. 5423(E) dt 28-12-2021 – NPPA has fixed retail prices of 28 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 94th Authority meeting dated 23.12.2021.

S.O. 4885(E) dt 26-11-2021 NPPA has fixed ceiling prices of 2 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 93rd Authority meeting dated 15.11.2021.

S.O. 4884(E) dt 26-11-2021 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 47 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 93rd Authority meeting dated 15.11.2021.

OM dt 22-11-2021- on Paragraph 28 of DPCO, 2013 regarding refusal to sell drugs by manufacturers

S.O. 4241(E) dt 12-10-2021 – Addendum to S. O. 3934(E) dated 23.09.2021 – Methotrexate Topical Gel

NPPA OM dt 30-09-2021 increase in GST rate – Medical Devices

S.O. 3939(E) dt 23-09-2021 – Revised ceiling price of Dextrose Injection in 100ml pack under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 92nd Authority meeting dated 08.09.2021.

S.O. 3938(E) dt 23-09-2021 – Revised ceiling price of Mannitol Injection 20% in 100ml pack under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 92nd Authority meeting dated 08.09.2021.

S.O. 3937(E) dt 23-09-2021 – Revised ceiling price of Metronidazole Injection IP in 100ml pack under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 92nd Authority meeting dated 08.09.2021.

S.O. 3936(E) dt 23-09-2021 – Extension of price of Liquid Medical Oxygen (LMO) and Oxygen Inhalation (Medicinal Gas) in cylinder under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 92nd Authority meeting dated 08.09.2021.

S.O. 3934(E) dt 23-09-2021 – NPPA has fixed retail prices of 23 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 92nd Authority meeting dated 08.09.2021.

S.O. (E) dt 23-09-2021 – Extension of revised ceiling price of Heparin Injection under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 92nd Authority meeting dated 08.09.2021.

S.O 3783(E) dt 15-09-2021 – NPPA has revised retail prices of 1 formulation under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 91st Authority meeting dated 29.07.2021.

S.O. 3670(E) dt 10-09-2021 Regarding ceiling price fixation or revision of Orthopaedic Knee Implants for Knee Replacement System

S.O. 3400(E) dt 19-08-2021 – NPPA has fixed retail prices of 19 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 91st Authority meeting dated 29.07.2021

S.O. 3249(E) dt 12-08-2021 – Amendment in paragraph 18 of DPCO, 2013

S.O 3162(E) dt 06-08-2021 – NPPA has fixed retail prices of 6 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 91st Authority meeting dated 29.07.2021

NPPA Office Memorandum 03-08-2021 – Submission of price related information for Knee Implants.

NPPA Office Memorandum dt 23-07-2021 – for Revised MRPs in pursuance to the TMR Notification for 5 Medical Devices

S.O. 2899(E) dt 20-07-2021 Order on Amendment in the Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 for inclusion on Form VI


S.O. 2820(E) dt 14-07-2021 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 14 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 89th Authority meeting dated 28.06.2021

NPPA S.O. 2808 dt 13-07-2021 – Trade Margin Rationalisation (TMR) of 5 Medical Devices

S.O. 2742(E) dt 08-07-2021 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 11 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 89th Authority meeting dated 28.06.2021

NPPA Office Memorandum dt 05-07-2021 – On Ceiling or Retail Price for Amphotericin B (Emulsion) Injection 50mg.

S.O. 2654(E) dt 01-07-2021 – Revision of price of 3 drugs under Para 19 of Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 89th Authority meeting dated 28.06.2021.

S.O. 2653(E) dt 01-07-2021 – Exemption to Torrent Pharmaceutical for Tapentadol Nasal Spray under Para 32 of DPCO 2013 based on the decision of 89th Authority meeting dated 28.06.2021

S.O 2334(E) dt 15-06-2021 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 3 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 87th Authority meeting dated 25.05.2021.

NPPA Dt 09-06-2021 – Office Memorandum -Revised MRP for Oxygen Concentrators

NPPA Office Memorandum dt 04-06-2021 In pursuance to the Notification dated 03.06.2021 for Oxygen Concentrators

NPPA order dt 03-06-2021 Price Cap for Oxygen Concentrator through Trade Margin Rationalisation Approach

S.O 2119(E) dt 01-06-2021 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 12 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 87th Authority meeting dated 27.05.2021.

NPPA Office Memorandum dt 15-05-2021 for call of MRP Data for Pulse Oximeter & Oxygen Concentrator 2021

S.O. 1859 dt 14-05-2021 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 2 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 86th Authority meeting dated 28.04.2021

S.O. 1725 dt 30-04-2021 NPPA has fixed ceiling price of 1 formulation under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 86th Authority meeting dated 28.04.2021.

S.O. 1724 dt 30-04-2-21 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 42 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 86th Authority meeting dated 28.04.2021.

NPPA Office memorandum dt 17-04-2021 List of Reduced Prices of Remdesivir of 7 companies

NPPA 12-04-2021 Remdesivir-Contact Details and Helpline Numbers for availability

S.O. 1335(E) dt 25-03-2021 – Prices of Liquid Medical Oxygen and Medicinal gas extended upto 30-09-2021

S.O. 1334(E) dt 25-03-2021 – Revised ceiling prices (WPI adjusted) for two (2) Coronary Stents.

S.O. 1333(E) dt 25-03-2021 – Revised ceiling prices (WPI adjusted) of 4 pack size of ringer lactate injection with packages having special features.

S.O. 1332(E) dt 25-03-2021 – Revised ceiling prices (WPI adjusted) of 8 IV Fluids with packages having special features.

S.O. 1331(E) dt 25-03-2021 – Revised ceiling price (WPI adjusted) of 9 scheduled formulations of Schedule-I(NLEM 2011) under Drugs (Prices Control) Order,2013.

S.O. 1330(E) dt 25-03-2021 – Revised ceiling price (WPI adjusted) of 866 scheduled formulations of Schedule-I under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013.

S.O. 1329(E) dt 25-03-2021 – NPPA has fixed ceiling price of 1 formulation under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 84th Authority meeting dated 10.03.2021.

S.O 1328(E) dt 25-03-2021 – NPPA has fixed retail prices of 35 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 84th Authority meeting dated 10.03.2021.

NPPA Office Memorandum dt 18-03-2021 – Movement in Wholesale Price Index (WPI) for the preceding calendar year 2020

S.O. 1238 dt 17-03-2021 Extension of S.O. 4539(E) dated 18.12.2019 of Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 84th Authority meeting dated 10.03.2021

S.O. 1237 dt 17-03-2021 Extension of S.O. 4538(E) dated 18.12.2019 of Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 84th Authority meeting dated 10.03.2021

S.O. 1236 dt 17-03-2021 Extension of revised ceiling price of Heparin Injection based on the decision of 84th Authority meeting dated 10.03.2021

S.O. 1235 dt 17-03-2021 NPPA has fixed retail price of 3 formulations after expiry of exemption granted under para 32 of under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 84th Authority meeting dated 10.03.2021

S.O. 1208 dt 15-03-2021 NPPA has fixed retail prices of 41 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 based on the decision of 84th Authority meeting dated 10.03.2021

NPPA Addendum dt 12-03-2021 – Monitoring of MRPs for Medical Devices dated 16.02.2021 with Annexures

NPPA dt 18-02-2021 – Display of draft version of proposed price calculation sheet for 24 proposed retail price – based on June, 2020 Data under Para 4 of DPCO, 2013

NPPA Office Memorandum dt 16-02-2021 on Monitoring of MRPs for Medical Devices with Annexures

S. O. 575 (E) dt 09-02-2021 – NPPA has fixed the ceiling prices of 13 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013

S. O. 523 (E) dt 04-02-2021 – NPPA has fixed the ceiling prices of 8 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 relating to 83rd Authority meeting dated 27-01-2021

S.O. 508(E) dt 01-02-2021 – Amendment in Schedule – I of the DPCO, 2013

NPPA Memorandum dt 11-01-2021 – Provisional List of 324 Over Charging cases under litigation

S. O. 95 (E) dt 08-01-2021 – NPPA has fixed the ceiling prices of 12 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 relating to 82nd Authority meeting dated 23-12-2020

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S. O. 4774 (E) dt 31-12-2020 – Price exemption of FDC of Sun Pharma under para 32(1) of DPCO 2013 relating to 82nd Authority meeting dated 23-12-2020

S. O. 4773 (E) dt 31-12-2020 – NPPA has fixed the ceiling prices of 7 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 relating to 82nd Authority meeting dated 23-12-2020

S. O. 4498(E) dt 11-12-2020 – NPPA has fixed the ceiling prices of 3 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 relating to 81th Authority meeting dated 24.11.2020

S.O 4333(E) dt 03-12-2020 – Extension of revised price of Heparin Injection based on the decision of 81st Authority meeting dated 24.11.2020

SO 3977 (E) dt 03-11-2020 NPPA has fixed the ceiling prices of 2 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 relating to 80th Authority meeting dated 26.10.2020PDF icon

SO 3976 (E) dt 03-11-2020 NPPA has fixed the ceiling prices of 6 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 relating to 80th Authority meeting dated 26.10.2020

SO 3975 (E) dt 03-11-2020 Addendum to SO. 1216 (E) dated 25.03.2020 relating to 80th Authority meeting dated 26.10.2020

SO 3974 (E) dt 03-11-2020 Addendum to SO. 1215 (E) dated 25.03.2020 relating to 80th Authority meeting dated 26.10.2020

S.O. 3973(E) dt. 03-11-2020 – NPPA has fixed retail prices of 29 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 relating to 80th Authority meeting dated 26-10-2020

S.O. 3322 (E) dt 25-09-2020 – Price Cap for Medical Liquid Oxygen and Oxygen Inhalation (Medicinal gas) in Cylinder

S.O. 3319 (E) dt 25-09-2020 -NPPA has fixed retail prices of 26 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 relating to 78th Authority meeting dated 14.09.2020

Office memorandum dt 25-09-2020 – Clarification regarding revision of Ceiling Prices of Orthopaedic Knee Implants for the year 2020

NPPA order dt 24-09-2020 – for submission of data by manufacturers and re-fillers of medical oxygen

S.O. 3147(E) 15-09-2020 – Notification regarding ceiling price fixation revision of orthopedic Knee Implants for Knee Replacement System

S.O. No. 2896 dt 27-08-2020 – NPPA has fixed retail prices of 1 formulation under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 relating to 77th Authority meeting dated 06.08.2020

S.O. 2822(E) dt-20-08-2020 – NPPA has fixed retail prices of 29 formulations under Drugs Prices Control Order 2013 relating to 77th Authority meeting dated 06.08.2020

NPPA Office memorandum dt. 14-08-2020 Guidelines for Discontinuation of Scheduled Formulation

S.O.-No.-2768-E-dated-14-08-2020- regarding prices of Knee implants extended upto 15-09-2020



SO 2151(E) dt 30-06-2020 – Revised ceiling price of Heparin

S.O. 2150 dt. 30-06-2020 – NPPA has fixed retail prices of 14 formulations under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 relating to 76th Authority meeting dated 22.06.2020

NPPA Office Memorandum dt-03-06-2020 – regarding revised MRPs of N-95 masks

NPPA has invited comments on Draft guidelines dated 01-06-2020 for dealing cases of discontinuation of scheduled formulations under Para 21(2) of DPCO 2013.

NPPA has notified vide S.O.-1674 (E) 28-05-2020 NPPA has fixed revised retail prices of 40 formulation under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013

NPPA has notified vide S.O.-No.-1232(E) dt-31-03-2020 All Medical devices will be governed under DPCO w.e.f. 01-04-2020

NPPA Order dated 25.03.2020 to maintain stock of Lopinavir and Ritonavir Tablets

NPPA has fixed retail price of 2 items (Stents) S.O.-1217-dt-25-03-2020-NPPA-has-fixed-revised-retail-prices-of-2-items-Stents-under-Drugs-Prices-Control-Order-2013

NPPA has revised price of 16 items (Ringer lactate) vide S.O. No. 1216 dt 25-03-2020 as per annual wholesale price Index WPI @ 1.88468 % increase

NPPA has revised price of 8 items (Glucose, Sod Chloride etc.) vide S.O. No. 1215 dt 25-03-2020 as per annual wholesale price Index WPI @ 1.88468 % increase

NPPA has revised price of 13 items ( Salicylic acid, Cal carbonate, Condom-etc ) vide S.O. No. 1214 dt 25-03-2020 as per annual wholesale price Index WPI @ 1.88468 % increase

NPPA has revised price of 856 formulations vide S.O. No. 1213 dt 25-03-2020 as per annual wholesale price Index WPI @ 1.88468 % increase

NPPA has fixed retail price of 17 drugs under Drugs Prices Control Order 2013 vide S.O. No.  (E) dated 07-02-2020.

NPPA has fixed retail price of 17 drugs under Drugs Prices Control Order 2013 vide S.O. No.  (E) dated 28-01-2020

NPPA has fixed retail price of 7 drugs under Drugs Prices Control Order 2013 vide S.O. No.  (E) dated 31-12-2019

NPPA Updated 30-09-2020 – List of Ceiling prices fixed for scheduled formulation under DPCO 2013 ( NLEM 2015)

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NPPA has fixed revised retail prices of Digital dose counter Glenmark under Drugs Prices Control Order 2013 vide S.O. No.  (E) dated 18-12-2019

NPPA has fixed / revised retail prices of 21 formulation under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 vide S.O. No.  (E) dated 13-12-2019

NPPA has fixed / revised retail prices of 12 formulation under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 vide S.O. No.  (E) dated 14-11-2019 in relating to 70th authority meeting dated 30.10.2019

NPPA has fixed / revised retail prices of 14 formulation under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 vide S.O. No. 4063 (E) dated 08-11-2019 in relating to 70th authority meeting dated 30.10.2019

NPPA has fixed / revised retail prices of 59 formulation under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 vide S.O. No. 4062 (E) dated 08-11-2019 in relating to 70th authority meeting dated 30.10.2019

NPPA has fixed / revised retail prices of 1 formulation under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 vide S.O. No. 4061 (E) dated 08-11-2019 in relating to 70th authority meeting dated 30.10.2019

NPPA has fixed / revised retail prices of 1 formulation under Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013 vide S.O. No. 4060 (E) dated 08-11-2019 in relating to 70th authority meeting dated 30.10.2019

S.O. 39(E) dt 03-01-2019 Amendment of Paragraph 9 and 32 of DPCO 2013



NPPA Updated 13-08-2018 – List of Ceiling prices fixed for scheduled formulation under DPCO 2013 ( NLEM 2015)

NPPA – Form-IV Performa


NPPA Policy

NPPA – National Pharmaceutical Pricing Policy 2012


NPPA – Pharmaceutical Policy 2002


NPPA – Drug Policy Amendment 1986


NPPA – Drug policy 1986


NPPA Guidelines

NPPA Guidelines dt 07-10-2016 Regarding identification and initiating action for recovery in cases of overcharging

NPPA Guidelines dt 07-10-2016 Regarding identification and initiating action for recovery in cases of overcharging

NPPA Guidelines dt 08-10-2013 Regarding amendment in guidelines dated 09-1-2012

NPPA Guidelines dt 08-10-2013 Regarding amendment in guidelines dated 09-1-2012

NPPA Guidelines dt 09-10-2012 Regarding dealing with overcharging and without price approval (WPA) cases

NPPA Guidelines dt 09-10-2012 Regarding dealing with overcharging and without price approval (WPA) cases

NPPA Guidelines dt 04-10-2012 Regarding referring the case for prosecution under para 8 of DPCO 1995

NPPA Guidelines dt 04-10-2012 Regarding referring the case for prosecution under para 8 of DPCO 1995

Delegation of powers

S.O. 1249(E) dt. 06-04-2020 – Delegation of Powers under DPCO 2013


S.O. 1394(E) dt. 30-05-2013 – Delegation of Powers under DPCO 2013



PMRU Guidelines

NPPA issues guidelines for setting up a Price Monitoring and Resource Unit (PMRU), click the below link:

PMRU Guidelines 2020


PMRU Guidelines 2019


PMRUs Dashboard

NPPA – All PMRU Societies Dash Board as on 26-09-2022, click below link:


Source: NPPA Website

Compiled by:
Rakesh DahiyaSDCO cum Licensing Authority, FDA Haryana

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