Govt Job: For Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Engg. at Bank of India: Pay Rs.1,75,000/- PM

Last date for submission of on – line application 10.05.2022

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 19, 2024 by The Health Master

Bank of India was founded on 7th September, 1906 by a group of eminent businessmen from Mumbai.

The Bank was under private ownership and control till July 1969 when it was nationalised along with 13 other banks. 

Beginning with one office in Mumbai, with a paid-up capital of Rs.50 lakh and 50 employees, the Bank has made a rapid growth over the years and blossomed into a mighty institution with a strong national presence and sizable international operations.

In business volume, the Bank occupies a premier position among the nationalised banks.  The Bank has over 5000 branches in India spread over all states/ union territories including specialized branches.

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

These branches are controlled through 55 Zonal Offices and 8 NBG Offices. There are 60 branches/ offices and 5 Subsidaries and 1 joint venture abroad.

Post :Technical (Appraisal) (On Regular basis)

Scale : MMGS- II
No. of vacancies : 09
Age : 25-35

Educational Qualifications : Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering in one of the streams mentioned below

Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering with Masters/PG Diploma in one of the streams mentioned below from a premier institute/university recognized by Government of India:

i. Infrastructure Engineering
ii. Power Plant Engineering

iii. Power Transmission & Distribution Systems
iv. Metallurgical /Materials Science Engineering

v. Construction Technology
vi. Textile Engineering

vii. Pharmacy / Pharmaceutical Engineering
viii. Semiconductors Engineering/Technology

ix. Oil and Gas Engineering
x. Chemical Engineering

xi. Plastics/Polymer Engineering/Technology
xii. Industrial Engineering
xiii. Production Engineering

Work Experience : Post Qualification Experience: Minimum 3 years AND Out of above 3 years, minimum 1 year experience should be in core industrial sectors listed in column ‘Educational Qualifications’ (related to educational qualification).

Emoluments for contractual positions (in Rs.)
Compensation :
 A consolidated pay of Rs.1,75,000/- per month shall be paid to the incumbent, subject to deduction of taxes as applicable 

Other Benefits : The incumbent shall not be entitled for any other allowances/perquisites.

In case of outstation duties, the incumbent shall be entitled for travelling and halting allowance at par with the Officers of the Bank in the respective Scale.

Candidates are requested to read the entire notice carefully before paying fees and submitting application.

Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fees once paid will NOT be refunded on any account nor can it be held in reserve for any other recruitment process.

Last date for submission of on – line application 10.05.2022

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