Mental Health Guide: Signs that you need immediate Medical Help

It is important to know when to seek help


Last Updated on December 30, 2023 by The Health Master

Signs that you need immediate Medical Help

Anxiety or stress can both lead to mental and physical health issues. Both are normal responses and emotions, however, if they persist and influence your choices, you must seek medical help.

It is important to know when to seek help

It’s critical to understand the difference between typical mental strain and conditions that require medical attention. One must seek immediate help when it gets difficult for one to control one’s emotions.

According to Manreet Kaur, clinical lead at Valley Youth House in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, “It is important to know when to seek help,” as reported by Forbes.

If you observe the signs listed below in your behavior, know that you are in need of therapy:

Heightened emotions and mood swings

The health expert told Forbes, “Mood swings can be triggered by stress, but if a person is cycling between a high (manic episode) and a low (depression) consistently, it’s a definite sign to seek help from a provider.”

The hallmark of mania is when a person’s emotions become uncontrollable and they feel extreme emotional highs and lows. The symptoms of this include agitation, hurried speech, racing thoughts, and paranoia.

Manic episodes can be a sign of mental illnesses like bipolar disorder or schizoaffective disorder.


Depression is a widespread mental health condition that has a detrimental effect on your capacity to operate. Depression might lead you to become socially disengaged.

It also assists in poor sleep, changes in weight, or aches and pains. Furthermore, a depressed person also experiences feelings of sadness and guilt about the activities that they previously enjoyed.

Feeling overstressed and overanxious

When you have reached a point where your stress overtakes you, i.e., you are constantly stressed about every little thing, it is important that you seek help.

The same is the case with anxiety, if your anxiety paralyzes you or makes it hard for you to function, it will be wise to seek medical attention.

(Disclaimer: The information given in this article is based on information from several websites/media reports. The Health Master does not guarantee 100% accuracy of the facts. Kindly get in touch with a medical expert for any queries or best treatment.)

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