Govt Job: For Pharmacists (98 posts) to work under Health Department

Last date for submission of applications online : 28-09-2022

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on October 18, 2024 by The Health Master

Karnataka Health and Family Welfare Department to fill various paramedical and backlog vacancies in Karnataka Districts: Kalaburagi, Yadagiri, Koppal, Raichur, Bidar, Bellary, and Vijayanagar.

Post: Pharmacy Officer */Pharmacist

No of posts: 98
Pay Scale: Rs. 27650-52650

Education Qualifications:
(1) Must have passed SSLC or equivalent examination
(2) must have passed a Diploma in Pharmacy from an institution recognized by the State Government; and
(3) Must be registered with the Pharmacy Council of Karnataka.

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

Selection Method: Percentage in SSLC and aggregate percentage in D-Pharma)/2

Application fee
Fee + Processing fee
General: 700
Category-2A, 2B, 3A : 400
ST/Sc: 200
Ex-Servicemen & Handicapped candidates: 100

Age Limit:-
Candidates should possess the following age limit as on the last date fixed for submission of applications:  Minimum age of 18
General Category: Maximum age of 35 years
2A, 2B, 3A, 3B: Maximum 38 years
P.J., P.P., Category 1: 40 years

Service Gratuity and Age Relaxation in Karnataka State:– Health  And a maximum of 20 percent gratuity will be provided to those who have completed one year of full contractual service and who have been appointed on a contract basis in government hospitals or health centers under the Family Welfare Department or Medical Education Department and under the schemes of Karnataka National Rural Health Campaign or Karnataka National Health Campaign and  Age relaxation of one year has been provided for those who have completed full contract service of one year and maximum age relaxation of 10 years will be given. 

Maximum age limit as on the last date fixed for application when this age relaxation is granted: Should not exceed 50 years. 

Candidates are eligible for service bonus and age relaxation only if they have performed their duties on a contract basis in the same post for which they have applied.

Eligibility Conditions:
• Should be an Indian citizen. 

• A male candidate who has more than one living wife and a female candidate who is already married to a person who has another wife will not be eligible for an appointment without prior approval of the Government. 

• The candidate should be mentally and physically healthy and should be free from any physical infirmity likely to jeopardize the efficient performance of his appointment duties. 

• The State Government reserves full discretion to reject as unfit on the report of the Medical Board as physically unfit and the discretion of the Government shall not be limited in any way by these rules. 

• Candidates will not be considered for selection if any criminal cases are pending at the time of application. 

Recruitment Method:- Karnataka Directorate of Health and Family Welfare Services, Special Recruitment Committee Notification No: SRC/K.K./14/2022–23, dated: 24.08.2022, will be selected according to the total percentage of marks obtained in the qualification prescribed for the said posts, and the number of posts published as per service merit and reservation rules prevailing from time to time.

Candidates are advised to read the following instructions before filling out the application online. 

• Candidates should read the relevant notification/instructions given to the candidates before applying online.  

• Before submitting the online application, the candidate should paste his/her recent passport size color photograph on a white sheet, sign below it in black ink pen, scan it and SAVE it in JPG FORMAT, the size (SIZE) of the photograph along with the saved signature should not exceed 100 KB.

• While submitting the online application, fill in the details in the online application form displayed on the computer screen and upload the scanned photograph with your signature.  

• Compulsorily candidates should have certificates related to the required qualifications and reservation as per the posts mentioned in the application at the time of application and should be valid on the last date fixed for application.

• After entering the application details click on Preview to check again.  Click Edit to change the details entered, the application cannot be submitted without Preview.  

• After submitting the application, the computer Application ID number will appear on the screen.  Candidates should write down these details securely for future reference.  

• Click on Print Challan to print the post office challan required to fill the application fee, then print the challan.  After 48 hours of paying the application fee at the post office, take a printout of the filled application form by entering the application number and date of birth.

• Candidates should fill out the application as per the instructions given online without giving any wrong information.  If the application is submitted with wrong information, appropriate action will be taken against such person as per law.

Start date for submission of applications online: 29-08-2022

Last date for submission of applications online: 28-09-2022

Last date for payment of fee at post office: 29-09-2022

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