Govt Job: For Pharmacists at District Health Society

Walk in Interview: Date: 26/09/2022, Monday

Govt Job
Picture: Pixabay

Last Updated on September 22, 2022 by The Health Master

NHM is being implemented in the district under the District Health Society, Jamnagar.  which mainly includes maternal welfare, family welfare, adolescent health, etc.

For the implementation of the program, the District Health Sasapati has to fill up the following posts and for the posts created/vacant in the future – a waiting list should be prepared. 

Post: Pharmacist cum Data Asst (RBSK)

No of posts: 13

Qualification: Bachelor’s / Diploma in Pharmacy from Government recognized University Institution, Registration with the Pharmacy Council of Gujarat is mandatory. 
Must have computer knowledge. 

Govt Pharma Pharmacist Job Opportunity
Picture: Pixabay

salary of Rs. 13,000/-per month. 
Age: below 40

Terms and Conditions
(1) These posts are on a contract basis for a period of 11 months only.

The contract will be automatically terminated after 11 months.

The contract will be renewed on the basis of satisfactory performance.

No right to permanent employment can be claimed.

If the performance is unsatisfactory, he may be dismissed from duty at any time.

(2) These posts are for the Jamnagar district only.

(3) Government TOR Work has to be done accordingly.

(4) Working experience in Health Department will be preferred.

(5) The decision of the Committee at any stage of the recruitment process shall be final.

(6) Interested candidates are requested to attend the application along with photocopies of all educational qualifications, experience, and original certificates of registration.

A walk-in interview will be conducted on the second Thursday of every month for one year from the date of the advertisement if the posts remain vacant on this date or for future vacancies.

Date: 26/09/2022, Monday

Venue: D.P.M.U.  Distt, Jamnagar
Time: 11:00 am to 01:00 pm

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